When Christian proselytizing goes horribly wrong...


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My theory is let people keep their own religion and spiritual practices, and stop bugging them.
American 'Preacher' Killed by Isolated Tribe After Illegally Traveling to Remote Island

An American citizen is believed to have been killed after illegally traveling to an isolated island in the Bay of Bengal populated by uncontacted tribes.

According to The Associated Press, Indian police said Wednesday that an American man had died while visiting North Sentinel Island, access to which is tightly restricted by the Indian government.

AFP named the dead man as John Allen Chau, 27, and reported that he was a preacher intending to convert the Sentinelese. The agency quoted local sources who said the American had been killed on his second attempt to reach the island, his first effort having failed on November 14. “He was attacked by arrows but he continued walking,” one source explained. “The fishermen saw the tribals [sic] tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body… They were scared and fled but returned next morning to find his body on the seashore.”

Outside contact with the islanders has been sporadic and often violent. In 2006, two Indian fishermen—Sunder Raj and Pandit Tiwari—washed up on the shoreline after their boat drifted too close to the island while fishing for mud crabs. Both were killed by the Sentinelese. A helicopter attempted to retrieve their bodies but was driven off by arrows. The Indian government has not sought to punish anyone for the murders.

The first modern peaceful contact was achieved by Indian anthropologist Trilokinath Pandit in 1991. The academic was able to win the islanders’ trusts using gifts of coconut and iron chunks. In 1993, he told The Independent that while the locals must be protected, permanent isolation may not be sustainable.

Pandit also defended the Sentinelese against their violent reputation. “They're cautious, that's all,” he said. “They want to defend themselves against outsiders.”

Corry concurs, and noted: “The Sentinelese have shown again and again that they want to be left alone, and their wishes should be respected. The British colonial occupation of the Andaman Islands decimated the tribes living there, wiping out thousands of tribespeople, and only a fraction of the original population now survive. So the Sentinelese fear of outsiders is very understandable.”

full article https://www.newsweek.com/american-p...ribe-after-illegally-traveling-remote-1225961
Well...some people got to find things out the hard way.

The money quote for me is that these uncontacted tribes are not generally inherently violent towards modern humans - it's just that they are aware of the existential threat modern humans pose to them.
The money quote for me is that these uncontacted tribes are not generally inherently violent towards modern humans - it's just that they are aware of the existential threat modern humans pose to them.

Nobody goes to Sentinel Island because the people have no immunity to common diseases... Everything I have read about them.. and there's not much.. indicates they want to be left alone.
Try to tell your own children about Jesus walking on Water, Virgin Mary having a child, or that Noah built an arc and gathered two of everything, put them on a boat to ride out the storm and you will normally get this look...

This is basically Darwin's theory of natural selection in action.

Missionary said he was entering ‘Satan’s last stronghold’ before being killed attempting to convert Indian tribe

The Christian missionary who was killed trying to convert a remote island tribe in India wrote in his diary that he was entering “Satan’s last stronghold,” the Washington Post reports.

John Chau wrote that he knew he might be killed by the tribe, which aggressively shuns the outside world and which is protected from incursion by Indian law.

“I’m scared,” Chau wrote. “Watching the sunset and it’s beautiful — crying a bit … wondering if it will be the last sunset I see… Lord, is this island Satan’s last stronghold where none have heard or even had the chance to hear your name?”

Chau, 26, was from the Portland suburb of Vancouver, Washington and an adventurer seeker who also proselytized to remote tribes.

The missionary decided to place the world's environment of potential disease on the edge of Sentinel Island. The natives acted in self defense.

Those aided the missionary need to be arrested, charged, tried, and if convicted, sent in their underclothes to 100 yards of the island's shore and dumped overboard in the ocean.
The missionary decided to place the world's environment of potential disease on the edge of Sentinel Island. The natives acted in self defense.

Those aided the missionary need to be arrested, charged, tried, and if convicted, sent in their underclothes to 100 yards of the island's shore and dumped overboard in the ocean.

Yes, I am going to assume the attack can be construed as self-defense rather than pre-meditated murder.

I think I used to have a western bias resulting in a stereotype of some of those uncontacted Amazonian tribes as inherently violent (aka, the legend surrounding Percy Fawcett's disappearance in the Amazon).

But I have been wondering if these tribes, which are known to have enduring oral traditions, have a shared collective memory of the apocalypse and endemic diseases that resulted from contact with conquistadors, Spaniards, Portuguese, and western colonizers - shared collective memories that go back centuries and inform them that any contact with "white" men is perilous and represents an existential threat.
One less Bible thumping fundie nitwit in the world.

We should encourage more of them to travel there.

I feel sorry for the guy. So naïve, so easily duped. I assume he was raised by holly rollers who instilled this sense of a holy war in him.

I don't mind if devout Protestants politely invite me to attend one of their prayer meetings. If I say no thanks, and then they leave me alone, no harm no foul.

The Orthodox priest I know invites native first nations peoples to have coffee on Sunday. But its their choice to accept the invitation.

Showing up uninvited, bugging people to accept your religion, and just basically getting in their face is not only offensive, I can not see how it reflects well on one's religion.
It's nitwits like him who give Christians a bad name.

If he were back home he'd probably be outside an abortion clinic pestering women or at a Trump rally wearing a #MAGA hat while yelling LOCK HER UP!!!! with the rest of the droolers and knuckle-draggers.