When do free market conservatives like government regulations?


Well-known member
...when the situation starts to look really, really bad. William F. Buckley discovers the virtues of regulation and calls for government intervention to help fix the mortgage crisis.

Signs of the Apocalypse

If conservative principles are abandoned so easily in the face of a bad economic situation, what was the whole thing about in the first place?
Good point Cy. They always seem to argue against attempts to avoid these situations but when they then get bad because they have been allowed to fester they are forced to realise something needs to be done.
Good point Cy. They always seem to argue against attempts to avoid these situations but when they then get bad because they have been allowed to fester they are forced to realise something needs to be done.

I'm sure in 1933, the some of the last remaining deadender wingnuts argued that FDR didn't need to regulate the banking and finance industry, with the SEC or the FDIC....but, cooler heads prevailed.
Buckley is an idiot and hardly a good representative of the free market policies. "Cosmic thoughtlessness" what a moron.

And he, and apparently the lefties, wants to fix credit wothiness decisions by law? Do you not understand how this harms the poor or little guy? I doubt Buckley cares, but the left pretends that they do.
Buckley is an idiot and hardly a good representative of the free market policies. "Cosmic thoughtlessness" what a moron.

And he, and apparently the lefties, wants to fix credit wothiness decisions by law? Do you not understand how this harms the poor or little guy? I doubt Buckley cares, but the left pretends that they do.

Umm the little guys not being able to pay their loans seems to be triggering a recession/slowdown worldwide.
Buckley is an idiot and hardly a good representative of the free market policies. "Cosmic thoughtlessness" what a moron.

And he, and apparently the lefties, wants to fix credit wothiness decisions by law? Do you not understand how this harms the poor or little guy? I doubt Buckley cares, but the left pretends that they do.

the lefties, wants to fix credit wothiness decisions by law?

If you're refering to anti-predatory lending practices, yes.

Forget the moral aspect of it. It's going to become an economic neccessity.
the lefties, wants to fix credit wothiness decisions by law?

If you're refering to anti-predatory lending practices, yes.

Forget the moral aspect of it. It's going to become an economic neccessity.

This amounts to treating the symptom, rather than the cause.
well that was clear as mud.

You made it clear some time ago that you have not the slightest clue about economic concepts so I suggest you avoid looking like even more of an old simpleton than you already do, and leave this thread to smarter people.
You made it clear some time ago that you have not the slightest clue about economic concepts so I suggest you avoid looking like even more of an old simpleton than you already do, and leave this thread to smarter people.

several people on here are smarter than I am, but you are not in that list.
Little boy Go put your acne medicine on.
Re: usc's clear as mud comment.

If you had any knowledge of economics it would be clear. What Buckley calls "cosmic thoughtlessness" and others term "irrational exuberance" are truly problems of easy money. The Fed and other government agencies encourages malinvestment by pumping money into the system. This causes prices to rise, investors think this is due to increased demand and throw more and more money at bad investments. Eventually, there has to be a reckoning, then the government comes to the "rescue" by repeating the process all over again. In the meantime dumbasses blame the wrong people (poor people looking for a home or "predatory lenders") and limit their rights.
as far as I can recall, USC was making noise about this mortgage meltdown years ago, while other were dismissing it, minimizing it, or saying let the markets sort it out.

USC had more foresight than a lot of folks, on the macroeconomy. :clink:
as far as I can recall, USC was making noise about this mortgage meltdown years ago, while other were dismissing it, minimizing it, or saying let the markets sort it out.

USC had more foresight than a lot of folks, on the macroeconomy. :clink:

Copying and pasting an pessimistic economic article once a month with no original commentary on it beyond "YEP IT'S RECESSION!" is hardly "forecasting".
as far as I can recall, USC was making noise about this mortgage meltdown years ago, while other were dismissing it, minimizing it, or saying let the markets sort it out.

USC had more foresight than a lot of folks, on the macroeconomy. :clink:

Diagnosing a problem is half of it. His cure is nearly worse than the symptom and does not address the cause.
Re: usc's clear as mud comment.

If you had any knowledge of economics it would be clear. What Buckley calls "cosmic thoughtlessness" and others term "irrational exuberance" are truly problems of easy money. The Fed and other government agencies encourages malinvestment by pumping money into the system. This causes prices to rise, investors think this is due to increased demand and throw more and more money at bad investments. Eventually, there has to be a reckoning, then the government comes to the "rescue" by repeating the process all over again. In the meantime dumbasses blame the wrong people (poor people looking for a home or "predatory lenders") and limit their rights.

Umm knowledge of buckleyspeak is not the same as knowledge of economics, btw which I have never claimed to be an expert on.
as far as I can recall, USC was making noise about this mortgage meltdown years ago, while other were dismissing it, minimizing it, or saying let the markets sort it out.

USC had more foresight than a lot of folks, on the macroeconomy. :clink:

yep hence the desperate attempts to discredit me by those who did not have the foresight.
Get over yourself Young L.

If you think you have so much to teach than teach instead of playing the insult game.