APP - When does the democrat party go for the escape hatch?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
It is clear that the democrat party is not getting what it wants vis a vis "russian collusion". They really thought President Trump would be gone by now. They thought they had the goods. But, every day that goes by, it becomes more clear that President Trump was right and this was a witch hunt from the very beginning.

I think it is more likely that General Flynn goes free

I think it is more than likely that Mueller never brings any "russian collusion" charges and the best he can hope for is some process crime just like his boy Fitzpatrick did with Scooter Libby.

Mueller is investigating a crime that was never committed and if it was committed was done by someone else (Clinton campaign).

There was a poll by IBD (most accurate poll during 2016 election) showing 50% of people believe that this investigation is a witch hunt. If that number stays the same or increases, it represents a problem for the democrat party. Additionally, if Trump's approval ratings approach 50% then the democrat party REALLY has a problem on their hands.

They can't go into the 2018 midterms with just "We hate President Trump" as their campaign. It won't work. At some point they are going to have to execute the escape hatch and bail on this whole "russian collusion" narrative.