When Hollyrollers Attack...


Will work for Scooby snacks
Female televangelist brawls with her Preacher husband:

ATLANTA - Juanita Bynum, a televangelist with a national following for sermons about women’s empowerment, pressed charges against her estranged husband Thursday after she was bruised in a fight with him during a meeting to reconcile, police said.

Preacher Thomas W. Weeks III, founder of Global Destiny churches, will be charged with aggravated assault and terroristic threats, Officer Ronald Campbell said.

The fight happened early Wednesday in the parking lot of the Renaissance Concourse Hotel near Atlanta’s airport, Campbell said.

“They were talking about a reconciliation. They got into an argument. In the process of the argument, her husband walked out to the parking lot area, turned back around and started to choke Miss Bynum,” Campbell said.

“As he choked her, he pushed her down to the ground and started to kick her and also stomp on her,” he said. “There was a bellman at the location who witnessed the whole assault, intervened and pulled Mr. Weeks off of Miss Bynum.”

Now that is some reconciliation. Maybe he should see his pastor for some marriage counselling. Hmmm....
Female televangelist brawls with her Preacher husband:

ATLANTA - Juanita Bynum, a televangelist with a national following for sermons about women’s empowerment, pressed charges against her estranged husband Thursday after she was bruised in a fight with him during a meeting to reconcile, police said.

Preacher Thomas W. Weeks III, founder of Global Destiny churches, will be charged with aggravated assault and terroristic threats, Officer Ronald Campbell said.

The fight happened early Wednesday in the parking lot of the Renaissance Concourse Hotel near Atlanta’s airport, Campbell said.

“They were talking about a reconciliation. They got into an argument. In the process of the argument, her husband walked out to the parking lot area, turned back around and started to choke Miss Bynum,” Campbell said.

“As he choked her, he pushed her down to the ground and started to kick her and also stomp on her,” he said. “There was a bellman at the location who witnessed the whole assault, intervened and pulled Mr. Weeks off of Miss Bynum.”


Wow...these people have got some rage bottled up inside huh?
She was obviously possessed by the Prince of Darkness, or perhaps one of his little goblins, and the Pastor was only doing what any loving husband would do, stomp his wife's head into the dirt.

Have you people not seen the Exorcist?

Give him a medal, that's what i say. Well done TW3, the Lord would be proud of you.
She was obviously possessed by the Prince of Darkness, or perhaps one of his little goblins, and the Pastor was only doing what any loving husband would do, stomp his wife's head into the dirt.

Have you people not seen the Exorcist?

Give him a medal, that's what i say. Well done TW3, the Lord would be proud of you.
The Exorcism failed though, it was interrupted by the doorman who was also clearly a minion of Satan. I wonder if he is collecting knives that are shaped as crucifixes and if they had a kid recently.
The Exorcism failed though, it was interrupted by the doorman who was also clearly a minion of Satan. I wonder if he is collecting knives that are shaped as crucifixes and if they had a kid recently.

This crucifix bidness smells mighty fishy to this uninitiated cove.

The whole thing clearly requires the intervention of a higher power. Consequently, i have e-mailed Max Von Sydow with the details i have to hand.

However, i urge you to keep this under your hat, i've already heard rumours of that Mel Gibsons trawling the Jewish community looking for "semites with pointy beards and sunburned complexion (own fork an advantage)".
What's sad is that she'll probably go back to him. The church is filled with hypocrisy.
LadyT, its called forgiveness, that not hypocrisy, just stupidity.

Umm making peace with him and moving on with your life without him is forgiveness. Going back to a madman who obviously has little to no regard for your well being is stupid. Going to church and profiting from a religion you clearly don't adhere to (as evidenced by your beating your wife) is definitely hypocrisy.
That forgiveness thing is why churches are such good places for a$$holes to hide out.

LOL. Very good point. Its the only way they are socially acceptable. There has to be an entire institution derived at countering common sense and reason to allow them to be accepted. I hope the press follows up on this story. I'm curious as to whether or not the church will reject them when she takes him back.
I was never popular in church, not enough sins to repent of. The more you repent of sins the better the churchies like ya.

I guess it is kinda the same appeal to churchies as watching jerry Springer ?