When I drive a car I need glasses

Part Multi 313

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When I drive a car I need glasses because I'm near sighted enough so that road signs are blurred, making me unable to read them. Does any one of you need eye glasses when you drive?
No, I just drink a fifth of whatever and roll...

And yes, I wear glasses, what a silly thread.
No, I just drink a fifth of whatever and roll...

And yes, I wear glasses, what a silly thread.

This thread pissed off one of my secret admirers cause "the codez is unrealz! Yooz wurds I can fife, man!" They barfed with frustrated faces.

Seriously though, I like this thread. Not too risque, not too boring.
When I drive a car I need glasses because I'm near sighted enough so that road signs are blurred, making me unable to read them. Does any one of you need eye glasses when you drive?

I can still somewhat read road signs, but not very well without glasses. I often drive my daily driver without glasses, but wear them when driving my sports car.
I have been near sighted since I was a child.......always required to wear glasses when I drive......except, now as I grow older my eyes are changing and my near sightedness is lessening.......last time I renewed my license I tested as no longer needing corrective lenses.......