APP - When I will get upset about Ivanka's emails


So the left is all a dither over Ivanka's emails and of course they now want every conservative to bash her. So, I would like to set the record straight and offer the conditions under which I will condemn her usage of private emails

1) If it can be shown that Ivanka set up and used a private server
2) If it can be shown that said server was set up in her bathroom
3) If it can be shown that Ivanka had aides smash blackberries
4) If it can be shown that Ivanka used Bleachbit to scrub said server
5) If Hillary goes to prison for her use of a private server

Until these conditions are met, I will withhold judgement on Ivanka and her emails.
So the left is all a dither over Ivanka's emails and of course they now want every conservative to bash her. So, I would like to set the record straight and offer the conditions under which I will condemn her usage of private emails

1) If it can be shown that Ivanka set up and used a private server
2) If it can be shown that said server was set up in her bathroom
3) If it can be shown that Ivanka had aides smash blackberries
4) If it can be shown that Ivanka used Bleachbit to scrub said server
5) If Hillary goes to prison for her use of a private server

Until these conditions are met, I will withhold judgement on Ivanka and her emails.

One set of rules for Hillary.

Another for the GOP.