When Is A Peaceful Protest Actually A Violent Protest?


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When is a peaceful protest really a violent protest?

Well every time somebody points out the fact that Democrat politicians are promoting and instigating violent protest, the Democrats argue that Trump instigated and promoted violence against protestors at his rallies. Even if that’s true, 2 wrongs don’t make a right. But Actually, those protestors at Trump’s rallies were conducting a “violent” protest by infiltrating the Trump rallies
shouting obscenities at him and “violating” the rights of other people there to peacefully hear what Trump was saying. On the flipside, there’s nobody from the right infiltrating the Democrat politicians rallies and shouting “violently” obscenities at them, inspiring them to inspire and promote violence toward people that oppose their political agendas.

Democrats argue that NFL players have the right to peacefully protest at NFL games, but their protest are not peaceful, they’re “violating” the rights of others there to enjoy the game they paid their money to watch. They could protest outside of the stadium before and after the game. They could peacefully protest at city hall where their issues are cased.

Democrats argue that the protestors that turned the Kavanaugh hearings into a shameful circus had the right of peaceful protest, but those protest weren’t peaceful, they were violent! They violated the rights of the Congressmen and Congresswomen to peacefully conduct the people’s business. They could have peacefully protested outside of the building.

My dictionary tells me that violence and violate are fundamentally the same.

an unjust or unwarranted exertion of force or power, as against rights or laws:

etc.). to break in upon or disturb rudely; interfere thoughtlessly to violate his privacy. to break through or pass by force or without right:

My copy of the Constitution says “.Congress shall make no law abridging.......The right of the people to peacefully assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.” (1st Amendment, United States Constitution.)

Let’s just call spades, spades. Democrat politicians are instigating riots and violence, Another reason to never, ever vote for a democrat politician! The Democrat Party is a party of hate and violence!
Liberals want violence. They just aren't very good @ it - Proud Boys
