When is a poll not a poll ?


Villified User
When it is fake ;)

Pollster guilty of fake data conspiracy
MICHAEL P. MAYKO mmayko@ctpost.com

BRIDGEPORT — A polling company owner admitted participating in a conspiracy to falsify data in order to meet deadlines for clients, which included the campaigns of President Bush, U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman, U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro and Mayor John M. Fabrizi.

Tracy Costin, 46, of Madison, admitted to U.S. District Judge Janet C. Hall that she participated in a conspiracy to commit wire fraud.

for complete story goto:
Polls are really worthless. This last week there was a poll that said the majority of people said there was no connection between Iraq and terrorism, and there was a poll that said a large percentage of people believed that Iraq was connected to 9/11. Both these polls can't be right. LOL
Polls are really worthless. This last week there was a poll that said the majority of people said there was no connection between Iraq and terrorism, and there was a poll that said a large percentage of people believed that Iraq was connected to 9/11. Both these polls can't be right. LOL

Polls have a margin of error of 3%... which means that 50% of the time, they will be within 3% of the right position. It's unusual for them to be more than 5% wrong. The polls you're talking about were probably somewhere in the 5% area, which is inconclusive.