APP - when is a terrorist group not a terrorist group

giving the government authority to label anyone 'terrorist' or enemy combatant, not subject to rights afforded to people, is giving a central government way more power than the founders ever intended.
giving the government authority to label anyone 'terrorist' or enemy combatant, not subject to rights afforded to people, is giving a central government way more power than the founders ever intended.

i am not so sure of that

remember the whiskey rebellion and its subsequent impact that has morphed into the war on drugs

drugs are just to easily transported in small quantities, or even larger quantities

generally speaking though, the central government does usurp too much control, but if not the feds, then who, we would not have civil rights if it were not for the feds and the reps have been and still are doing their bet to subvert them - too often with the help of conservative dems