When It Comes To Woke Garbage

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Everything a leftist doesn't want you to say, see or do, do it, see it and say it often.

Everything a leftist wants you to see, say or do, boycott all such garbage permanently.

Such sickos do not deserve the time of day or so much as a shred of respect for representing such sick and pathetic garbage as their filthy lies and deceptions.

Never forget.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
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Of course such words are problematic to a bunch of sickly compulsive obsessive liars who do not like to be reminded of fact because it doesn't suit their barf like crappy little shady globalist narrative

This university is lame so according to them they must be retarded so why are the retarded according to them running a university ...

University language guide says 'grandfather,' 'housekeeping,' 'spirit animal' are 'problematic' words

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What they call teachers now are sick radicals (woke POS) who replaced teachers that refused to turn their backs on their profession to keep their job along with sell outs who turned their backs on their profession to keep their job to suit the sick and shady globalist narrative.

California mom, attorney accuse teachers of 'predatory behavior' for telling 11-year-old she was transgender


Bravo for the mom!
Everything a leftist doesn't want you to say, see or do, do it, see it and say it often.

Everything a leftist wants you to see, say or do, boycott all such garbage permanently.

Such sickos do not deserve the time of day or so much as a shred of respect for representing such sick and pathetic garbage as their filthy lies and deceptions.

Never forget.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

this is sound advice!
The path to a better existence is massive constant doses of WOKE HATE?

UM, NO....and you should know that....if you dont then your education program failed.
Everything a leftist doesn't want you to say, see or do, do it, see it and say it often.

Everything a leftist wants you to see, say or do, boycott all such garbage permanently.

Such sickos do not deserve the time of day or so much as a shred of respect for representing such sick and pathetic garbage as their filthy lies and deceptions.

Never forget.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

What a load of utter nonsense.

I despise cancel culture and ANY PC crap.
But what you are talking about is fucking disgusting.
Pure dehumanization based solely on perceived, political position.

I have a better idea.
If someone says something that you deem as 'woke'?
Why don't you just FUCKING IGNORE THEM...and mind your own fucking business?

Get help.
What a load of utter nonsense.

I despise cancel culture and ANY PC crap.
But what you are talking about is fucking disgusting.
Pure dehumanization based solely on perceived, political position.

I have a better idea.
If someone says something that you deem as 'woke'?
Why don't you just FUCKING IGNORE THEM...and mind your own fucking business?

Get help.

all he said is don't comply with pc totalitarianism and flout it daily.

you're way overreating here.

spetch is a genius.

oh well.

pearls before swine.
Everything a leftist doesn't want you to say, see or do, do it, see it and say it often.

Everything a leftist wants you to see, say or do, boycott all such garbage permanently.

Such sickos do not deserve the time of day or so much as a shred of respect for representing such sick and pathetic garbage as their filthy lies and deceptions.

Never forget.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

I think the "Woke" term itself was a very weak way to describe one's awareness of systematic racism here in America. It insinuates that we all must have been asleep or in a coma or something.

I do not use the term for one very good reason- I never just "Woke" up to the fact that racism and racial injustice is a reality in our world and is systematic in Republican RIGHT-WING politics! Because I have always known this as fact- I did not have to "WAKE UP" to the fact of Racism's existence and RACIST thrust by the RIGHTIST REPUBLICANS- who now use the term as the new replacement for the "N" word! Yes- the "W" word is now just tossed around by the Republicans replacing the old "N" word.

I never liked the use of the "N" word to describe Black People- and I never likes the use of the "W" word either to describe people who are already very much aware of the obvious systematic racism within CONSERVATIVE politics and their policies.
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What a load of utter nonsense.

I despise cancel culture and ANY PC crap.
But what you are talking about is fucking disgusting.
Pure dehumanization based solely on perceived, political position.

I have a better idea.
If someone says something that you deem as 'woke'?
Why don't you just FUCKING IGNORE THEM...and mind your own fucking business?

Get help.

Because it is my pleasure to stand up to such sick and pathetic garbage as woke lies and deceptions dummy so that we may get rid of it permanently and globally. My pleasure!

Oh and calling removing lies and deceptions forced upon society as dehumanizing, well that is transparently retarded.
I think the "Woke" term itself was a very weak way to describe one's awareness of systematic racism here in America. It insinuates that we all must have been asleep or in a coma or something.

I do not use the term for one very good reason- I never just "Woke" up to the fact that racism and racial injustice is a reality in our world and is systematic in Republican RIGHT-WING politics! Because I have always known this as fact- I did not have to "WAKE UP" to the fact of Racism's existence and RACIST thrust by the RIGHTIST REPUBLICANS- who now use the term as the new replacement for the "N" word! Yes- the "W" word is now just tossed around by the Republicans replacing the old "N" word.

I never liked the use of the "N" word to describe Black People- and I never likes the use of the "W" word either to describe people who are already very much aware of the obvious systematic racism within CONSERVATIVE politics and their policies.

They call anything that opposes or exposes their sick and filthy lies and deceptions as racist.