When its about $ not politics, Bush is for pulling the plug!


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AUSTIN, Texas — As 17-month-old Emilio Gonzales lies in a hospital, hooked up to tubes to help him breathe and eat, his mother holds him close and cherishes every movement.

Catarina Gonzales knows her baby is terminally ill and that one day she'll have to let go. But it's not yet time, she and her attorneys contend in their legal clash with hospital officials who say it's best to stop Emilio's life-sustaining treatment.

A Texas law lets the hospital make that life-or-death call. The latest legal dispute over the law — Emilio's case — goes to court again Tuesday, the day his life support is set to end.

"The family has made a unified decision" to keep Emilio living through artificial means, said Joshua Carden, an attorney for the family. "The hospital is making quality-of-life value judgments. That's a huge source of concern."

Texas is one of the few states with a timetable allowing hospitals to decide when to end life-sustaining treatment, according to studies cited by activist groups. Other states allow hospitals to cut off treatment but do not specify a time frame.

Children's Hospital of Austin has been caring for Emilio since Dec. 28. He's believed to have Leigh's Disease, a progressive illness difficult to diagnose, according to both sides.

The boy cannot breathe on his own and must have nutrition and water pumped into him. He can't swallow or gag or make purposeful movements, said Michael Regier, general counsel for the Seton Family of Hospitals, which encompasses the children's hospital.

Emilio's higher order brain functions are destroyed, and secretions must be vigorously suctioned from his lungs, Regier said.

"The care is very aggressive and very invasive," Regier said.

Though the treatment is expensive, Emilio has health coverage through Medicaid, and the hospital contends money is not part of its decision. Doctors and a hospital ethics panel determined the treatment is causing the boy to suffer without providing any medical benefit, Regier said.

So the hospital invoked the state law that allows it to end life-sustaining treatment in medically futile cases after a 10-day notice to the family. That deadline was voluntarily extended while the hospital and family tried, unsuccessfully as of Monday, to find another facility to care for Emilio.

Catarina Gonzales, 23, who has no other children and cannot have more, denies that her son is nonresponsive, as medical caregivers say, Carden said. She says the boy smiles and turns his head toward voices.

"Every day that her son is alive and she gets to hold him and be next to him moving around is a precious day for her," Carden said.

The 1999 Texas law, signed by then-Gov. George W. Bush, is increasingly under fire from patient advocates, disability rights groups and Texas Right to Life, best known for its anti-abortion efforts.

Those varying interests want to change the so-called futile care law to eliminate the 10-day provision for cutting off life support because they say it's not enough time to transfer a critically ill person to another facility. A state Senate committee plans to hear testimony on proposed changes to the law Thursday.

The powerful Texas Hospital Association and other medical organizations largely support the existing law and say it's not frequently used because families and doctors usually agree on the patient's treatment. Texas Right to Life said it has been involved in more than two dozen similar cases over the past year and a half.

Emilio's situation differs from the case of Terri Schiavo in Florida, who was in a persistent vegetative state and at the center of a legal dispute within her family over whether to remove her feeding tube. Schiavo died after her tube was removed in 2005.

In Emilio's case, the family is united in wanting to keep the boy alive.

Last week, a federal judge refused to intervene and left it to the state court where a lawsuit was pending that seeks to declare the law unconstitutional. An Austin judge will hear arguments Tuesday on whether to block the hospital from cutting off Emilio's life support.

"We feel that the original decision is right, and it's time to proceed," said Regier, the hospital's lawyer.

If the hospital is allowed to go forward, the life support equipment would likely be turned off during the day Wednesday when the family can be present and have the aid of social workers and chaplains, he said.

Carden argues that Emilio's death by asphyxiation would be painful. He said the law prevents hospital workers from even giving the boy the drugs death row inmates receive to help them as they are executed by lethal injection.

"It's not like he'll just drift quietly off," he said.
The 1999 Texas law, signed by then-Gov. George W. Bush, is increasingly under fire from patient advocates, disability rights groups and Texas Right to Life, best known for its anti-abortion efforts

This is why I don't understand people who believe this guy has any moral center whatsoever. I always clearly understood that he did not. He's a charlatan.
We all know what Terri Schiavo was about. No need to tap dance around it.

They even published a GOP memo, detailing how they could exploit Terri for political gain, with their base. Remember the memo?
I remember the black baby in Texas who was having the same issue at THE SAME time as the Schiavo mess. His mom pleaded with authorities too. Too bad the kids weren't white, maybe the republican base could have mustered up some false outrage for them and had senate hearings for them.
We all know what Terri Schiavo was about. No need to tap dance around it.

They even published a GOP memo, detailing how they could exploit Terri for political gain, with their base. Remember the memo?

It came from the office of my Senator Mel Martinez, the current chariman of the Republican national Committee.
In all fairness this is not as complicated as the Schiavo case. The reason being is that both of their brain functions stopped working but Terri wasn't on life support in the same way the child is. Terri has a mere feeding tube not a breathing machine.

It is a relevant difference.
In all fairness this is not as complicated as the Schiavo case. The reason being is that both of their brain functions stopped working but Terri wasn't on life support in the same way the child is. Terri has a mere feeding tube not a breathing machine.

It is a relevant difference.

Not to mention her last name wasn't Gonzalaz and she wasn't on medicaid. That right there is a big difference. I say if you can afford to keep your vegitized loved one alive, then we are going to force you to do it. But if you can't afford to, then we are going to pull that plug.

That's what you call "personal responsibility".
In all fairness this is not as complicated as the Schiavo case. The reason being is that both of their brain functions stopped working but Terri wasn't on life support in the same way the child is. Terri has a mere feeding tube not a breathing machine.

It is a relevant difference.

Why would that be relevant?
Why would that be relevant?

Because if you take someon off of breating support they die quickly within minutes. If you remove a feeding tube it takes days to die. It wasn't clear from her earlier expressed wishes if she would be willing to die over the course of days in a vegetative state.
Why would that be relevant?

Because if you take someon off of breating support they die quickly within minutes. If you remove a feeding tube it takes days to die. It wasn't clear from her earlier expressed wishes if she would be willing to die over the course of days in a vegetative state.

They're kept very out of it at that point.

When the situation is such as hers was, the choices are not many, and none of them pleasant.
True the federal government definitely should have stayed out. Its tempting to compare this case to the Schiavo case and then chalk it up to not caring about minorities. But its not so clear cut.

Its one of those solomon type cases. I heard an interesting one on BBC this morning about a woman who wanted to implant herself with embryos from a man who is no longer with her. The law states both parents must consent to having the embryo implanted. She is fighting and taking it to the European high court.

Its a tough case but I side with her.
True the federal government definitely should have stayed out. Its tempting to compare this case to the Schiavo case and then chalk it up to not caring about minorities. But its not so clear cut.

Its one of those solomon type cases. I heard an interesting one on BBC this morning about a woman who wanted to implant herself with embryos from a man who is no longer with her. The law states both parents must consent to having the embryo implanted. She is fighting and taking it to the European high court.

Its a tough case but I side with her.

No, I meant that if you disconnect a feeding tube, the patient is kept very medicated, thus "out of it". I don't know if they suffer. But what are the choices when you know that they are suffering being kept alive like that?

The case you describe, that is a tough one.
The woman lost on the embryo case.
Would the man have to pay child support in this type of case ?
Or is he dead, I am not really up on it, just scanned the headlines.

Back on this one, I have to agree with the DR's based on what I have read. But it is not my call and it is a hard call for anyone.
But I do have to wonder if the poor/medicaid has anything to do with it....
The poor are so ignored....

5,000 poor can die of a disease, but it becomes only becomes an issue when someone of power and influence dies...
The value of all lives is NOT equal in our society, or any other one that I know of.

all men are not created equal, that is a myth.
No, I meant that if you disconnect a feeding tube, the patient is kept very medicated, thus "out of it". I don't know if they suffer. But what are the choices when you know that they are suffering being kept alive like that?

Its all a question of what side of caution you want to fall on. Most doctors were of the opinion she wouldn't feel anything. Yet it was strange they wanted her to also have pain medication for it.