Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
In recent weeks, some Republicans have raised the specter of anti-Semitism as a convenient distraction from detention camps and racist tropes. And the Jews are tired of it.
Goyim fuckery—speaking for Jews, about Jews, around Jews, against Jews, utilizing us without our consent or input.
And after the past few days, in which a fleet of Republicans and the president himself have utilized Jews as human shields for racist rhetoric, the Jews are tired, tired, tired of being used as defenses against naked racism, tired of being used to justify conditions at detention camps. Just plain tired.
Goyim fuckery—speaking for Jews, about Jews, around Jews, against Jews, utilizing us without our consent or input.
And after the past few days, in which a fleet of Republicans and the president himself have utilized Jews as human shields for racist rhetoric, the Jews are tired, tired, tired of being used as defenses against naked racism, tired of being used to justify conditions at detention camps. Just plain tired.