APP - When people are exposed to truth and not lies they make the right choice II


"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

As always I_love must censor threads, truth for the right requires their truths only, every dictator and statist nation knows that it must control information, its citizens, and their communication. That said, the right cares nothing for children as its policies demonstrate. Nor does it care about the rights of the mother and the child's well being after birth. If it did at least it would seem less phony.

If the conservatives cared about abortion they'd care about the life of the mother by supporting her, they do nothing, if they cared about the child, they support nutritional and educational supports, they do nothing there either. Morality confuses the right, absolutists only preach, the complexity of living is beyond their understanding.

As I noted in a few links below abortion is the hypocrite's crutch. It requires nothing from the moral absolutist and involves the State in a family matter. Oh and one more thing, no masturbation and if married make sure no contraceptives are ever used for if so you too are aborting the potential for life. Try not to be a hypocrite.

The interested reader can check my links and the book noted below.

"It seems to me that a case can be made for taking a human life statute that dates the origin of personhood at conception to be an "establishment" of religious doctrine. The argument runs as follows. For reasons given above, it is quite contrary to common sense to claim that a newly fertilized human ovum is already an actual person. Employing the term 'person' in the normal fashion, no one thinks of a fertilized egg in that way. The only arguments that have been advanced to the conclusion that fertilized eggs are people, common sense notwithstanding, are arguments with theological premises. These premises are part of large theological and philosophical systems that are very much worthy of respect indeed, but they can neither be established nor refuted without critical discussion of the whole systems of which they form a part. In fact, many conscientious persons reject them, often in favor of doctrines stemming from rival theological systems; so for the state to endorse the personhood of newly fertilized ova would be for the state to embrace one set of controversial theological tenets rather than others, in effect to enforce the teaching of some churches against those of other churches (and nonchurches), and to back up this enforcement with severe criminal penalties. The state plays this constitutionally prohibited role when it officially affirms a doctrine that is opposed to common sense and understanding and whose only proposed arguments proceed from theological premises. This case, it seems to me, is a good one even if there is reason, as there might be, for affirming the personhood of fetuses in the second or third trimester of pregnancy."

This is about rights harm etc and for the open minded a complex read. 'Freedom and Fulfillment' Philosophical Essays, Joel Feinberg

earlier posts on jpp

The rich will always have access to abortion only the poor and needy suffer.

"In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S., and over a thousand women died each year as a result. Women who were victims of botched or unsanitary abortions came in desperation to hospital emergency wards, where some died of widespread abdominal infections. Many women who recovered from such infections found themselves sterile or chronically and painfully ill. The enormous emotional stress often lasted a long time."

If your argument is from religion:

No religion has ever defined when human life begins. Catholicism considers sexual activity as procreative activity and thus wrong outside of marriage or for pleasure and not the propagation of the faith.

Until recent history, a child was only considered a person after the age of seven. Death before then meant the soul went to a place called purgatory. Considering that none of this is known nor verifiable, without direct communication with a god it hasn't any relevance.

If your argument is from cellular conception

Three out of five conceptions end normally so if human life as defined above does not exist, conception is not the beginning of human life.

If your argument is from potential:

Each egg and sperm is potential life and thus sex outside of the creative process has potential to be human life. If you accept potential you must accept its consequences. Death is also the result of birth so potential arguments are too vague for consideration.
No, ILA's thread makes a lot more sense than that slanted piece. Show us a video of pro-lifers changing their minds after seeing an abortion video.
Pro-lifers are simply moralists, extremists don't change their mind, that's why they're called extremists. But the point, which you obviously missed, is the same pro-life proponents are only pro-life before birth, not for the mother, nor for the child after entry into the world. It's quite easy to tell another what to do and use government to do so, it much harder to help the same people. When nothing is required of you, morality is very easy, especially when it's about another's life decisions. And you obviously did not read the pieces linked.
It's quite easy to tell another what to do and use government to do so, it much harder to help the same people. When nothing is required of you, morality is very easy, especially when it's about another's life decisions.

How ironic when liberals claim that the government should confiscate others property to assuage their own conscience.

Do you not see the irony of your statement?
How ironic when liberals claim that the government should confiscate others property to assuage their own conscience.

Do you not see the irony of your statement?

Not at all, you use government to enforce your religious values, liberals use government to achieve stability, manage infrastructure and help American citizens, not condemn them because their actions don't conform to your absolutism. Hopefully you see the difference.

"Liberalism is an attitude rather than a set of dogmas—an attitude that insists upon questioning all plausible and self-evident propositions, seeking not to reject them but to find out what evidence there is to support them rather than their possible alternatives. This open eye for possible alternatives which need to be scrutinized before we can determine which is the best grounded is profoundly disconcerting to all conservatives.... Conservatism clings to what has been established, fearing that, once we begin to question the beliefs we have inherited, all the values of life will be destroyed." Morris Raphael Cohen, The Faith of a Liberal

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about." Friedrich Hayek, Why I Am Not a Conservative

"Liberals and conservatives disagree over what are the most important sins. For conservatives, the sins that matter are personal irresponsibility, the flight from family life, sexual permissiveness, the failure of individuals to work hard. For liberals, the gravest sins are intolerance, a lack of generosity toward the needy, narrow-mindedness toward social and racial minorities." E.J. Dionne, Jr.
Not at all, you use government to enforce your religious values, liberals use government to achieve stability, manage infrastructure and help American citizens, not condemn them because their actions don't conform to your absolutism. Hopefully you see the difference.

"Liberalism is an attitude rather than a set of dogmas—an attitude that insists upon questioning all plausible and self-evident propositions, seeking not to reject them but to find out what evidence there is to support them rather than their possible alternatives. This open eye for possible alternatives which need to be scrutinized before we can determine which is the best grounded is profoundly disconcerting to all conservatives.... Conservatism clings to what has been established, fearing that, once we begin to question the beliefs we have inherited, all the values of life will be destroyed." Morris Raphael Cohen, The Faith of a Liberal

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about." Friedrich Hayek, Why I Am Not a Conservative

"Liberals and conservatives disagree over what are the most important sins. For conservatives, the sins that matter are personal irresponsibility, the flight from family life, sexual permissiveness, the failure of individuals to work hard. For liberals, the gravest sins are intolerance, a lack of generosity toward the needy, narrow-mindedness toward social and racial minorities." E.J. Dionne, Jr.

a) you are making an assumption that my opposition to abortion is based on religion. It is not. Believe that something is a life deserving protection does not have to be rooted in religion. I find it odd that the abortion lobby always seems to leap to that conclusion
b) you can employ cognitive dissonance all you want to defend your government coercion, but it doesn't change the fact that you want to use government to tell others what to do to satisfy your conscience. That you think it is for good deeds doesn't change the underlying action. Every government atrocity starts with a good deed by someone claiming to want to help the poor.

More people have been murdered in leftists attempts to create "equality" or "level the playing field" or whatever other euphemism leftists use to centralize gobblement power.

Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Obama, Hillary, Mussolini; all the same
I wonder whether you are being honest with yourself when you claim opposition is not based in religion. Is this care for life carried out beyond the simple 'I care' level? You care so much you chose to interfere in another's life. If you could carry the child and take care of it, then you have be saying something. As I noted, moral positions that require nothing from the moralist are oh so easy.

I suppose minimum wage, medicare, ACA, labor laws, insurance guarantees, safe food, vaccines, are in your words 'atrocities'. We need more if that is the case. lol

Government is not an abstraction it is the only thing that keeps humans from anarchy. It is the only institution capable of doing things individuals can not or will not do. It is community. Where do you go to enforce your concern for life? Give up yet?

Hitler was about as right wing as you can get, so making him a leftist demonstrates your lack of knowledge. Mussolini too. The others are dictators. And you show yourself a bigot when you add our president to that list. You, like so many righties, are a bitter person, afraid some good will come from your bogeyman. It gives you pleasure to condemn and moralize.

"Government, despite its many sins, remains the only institution that can make our freedom real." Gregory Downs
so if they knew the truth, people would stop killing their unborn children?.....

If people knew the truth they'd help rather that use government to impose their values on others. Government could and would still be used, but not as a stick but as an educational help and provider of care whether that be advice, birth control, or other medicine. Seems simple doesn't it? Kinda the good thing to do. You guys may learn compassion yet.
If people knew the truth they'd help rather that use government to impose their values on others. Government could and would still be used, but not as a stick but as an educational help and provider of care whether that be advice, birth control, or other medicine.

stop exposing us to your lies......