When Trump left office


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A young couple could afford a home. and the mortgage rates was 2.96% . The rate shot up to 7.9% in 2023 during the Biden/Harris administrationand is now around 7.0%. Young couple are having a hard time affording homes. Hopefully young voters will realize the Democrats will hurt their futures. The condescending Kamala thinks 18-24 year olds are STUPID. I think they are smarter than the condescending Kamala gives them credit for. And the average home cost 396K in January of 2021 and now cost 520K. Pretty hard to afford more than twice the interest rate on a 120K more expensive home. I bet 18-24 year olds can figure that out.

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It doesn't matter. That age group will vote the way those progressive college professors groom them to vote.
It doesn't matter. That age group will vote the way those progressive college professors groom them to vote.
I don't know...they're all back living at home because they can't afford to live on their own...And that will just get worse if Joe's policies are allowed to continue... Plus, they'll get to see her calling them stupid and confined to a dorm room with an RA to care for them (or their parents basement with their parents having to support them) over and over and over...
I doubt they want to live the rest of their lives...or 4 more years...that way...