When was last candidate that won both Iowa and NH and didn’t get nomination?

They dynamics of the primaries are totally different now, so I'm not sure historical analogies are super important.

Everything is front-loaded now. And there's less time to take advantage of surges and money raising, that traditionally comes on the heels of an early primary victory.

That said, victory begets victory. Perception is important. If Obama looks like a winner, and Hillary looks like a loser, its likely to become a self fulfilling prophesy.
The turnout in Iowa & today in NH is very telling: there is something very real going on out there. Obama has really energized a certain segment of the populace, one that didn't always make it to the polls (youth in particular). I don't see that subsiding, barring some dramatic revelation or turn of events.

The latest national poll from CNN - the one that Hill was always leading by 20+ - was tied. Everything has shifted in this campaign, and if Hillary gets beat by double-digits today, I can't see how she makes it back.

Her campaign knows it. Did anyone hear Bill's "fairy tale" attack on Obama today? They are really desperate.
lol if a left liberal like obama can make me who is a right leaning independent want to vote for him then he will win.
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