When will any of the below posters EVER criticize ANY single thing Trump says or does


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Русский агент (o,o) America First Abrams anatta anonymoose anonymous201 Anthem Arminius Bigdog BillyB BodyDouble BoomShaka Booyah! Boris The Animal Cancel 2018.1 Cancel 2018.2 Cawacko Celticguy CFM chink countryboy Dark Soul Darth Beto Omar Dropbear1 Emwu Evmetro Flash Getin the ring gfm7175 Granule Grugore Grumpy Guille Havana Moon Heff hvilleherb I Love America iewitness Into the Night Irish It's OK To Be White J Craft j-mac J.kennedy Jack jmotivator Kacper Legion liberalsAREracists Loving91390 MAGAt mak2 noise NOVA philly rabbit PostmodernProphet PraiseKek Proud Boy Q-Tip Ralph RB 60 Red Crow Reverend_Hellh0und Rob Larrikin Sailor Silver Buzzard Sirthinksalot SmarterthanYou Southern Dad Southern Music Stretch Superfreak Teflon Don Text Drivers are Killers The Ugly Truth TheDanold TheDonald tinfoil Tkaffen Tomas Fabregas Tommatthews TOP Truth Detector tsuke USFREEDOM911 volsrock Waternark WinterBorn Wolverine Yoda Yurty zymurgy

Any since you never have and never will, why shouldn't we all just declare checkmate,
call you all the total lemming loser slobs you all obviously are? :thinking:
Русский агент (o,o) America First Abrams anatta anonymoose anonymous201 Anthem Arminius Bigdog BillyB BodyDouble BoomShaka Booyah! Boris The Animal Cancel 2018.1 Cancel 2018.2 Cawacko Celticguy CFM chink countryboy Dark Soul Darth Beto Omar Dropbear1 Emwu Evmetro Flash Getin the ring gfm7175 Granule Grugore Grumpy Guille Havana Moon Heff hvilleherb I Love America iewitness Into the Night Irish It's OK To Be White J Craft j-mac J.kennedy Jack jmotivator Kacper Legion liberalsAREracists Loving91390 MAGAt mak2 noise NOVA philly rabbit PostmodernProphet PraiseKek Proud Boy Q-Tip Ralph RB 60 Red Crow Reverend_Hellh0und Rob Larrikin Sailor Silver Buzzard Sirthinksalot SmarterthanYou Southern Dad Southern Music Stretch Superfreak Teflon Don Text Drivers are Killers The Ugly Truth TheDanold TheDonald tinfoil Tkaffen Tomas Fabregas Tommatthews TOP Truth Detector tsuke USFREEDOM911 volsrock Waternark WinterBorn Wolverine Yoda Yurty zymurgy

Any since you never have and never will, why shouldn't we all just declare checkmate,
call you all the total lemming loser slobs you all obviously are? :thinking:

Golly Gee! Am I on that List?
Русский агент (o,o) America First Abrams anatta anonymoose anonymous201 Anthem Arminius Bigdog BillyB BodyDouble BoomShaka Booyah! Boris The Animal Cancel 2018.1 Cancel 2018.2 Cawacko Celticguy CFM chink countryboy Dark Soul Darth Beto Omar Dropbear1 Emwu Evmetro Flash Getin the ring gfm7175 Granule Grugore Grumpy Guille Havana Moon Heff hvilleherb I Love America iewitness Into the Night Irish It's OK To Be White J Craft j-mac J.kennedy Jack jmotivator Kacper Legion liberalsAREracists Loving91390 MAGAt mak2 noise NOVA philly rabbit PostmodernProphet PraiseKek Proud Boy Q-Tip Ralph RB 60 Red Crow Reverend_Hellh0und Rob Larrikin Sailor Silver Buzzard Sirthinksalot SmarterthanYou Southern Dad Southern Music Stretch Superfreak Teflon Don Text Drivers are Killers The Ugly Truth TheDanold TheDonald tinfoil Tkaffen Tomas Fabregas Tommatthews TOP Truth Detector tsuke USFREEDOM911 volsrock Waternark WinterBorn Wolverine Yoda Yurty zymurgy

Any since you never have and never will, why shouldn't we all just declare checkmate,
call you all the total lemming loser slobs you all obviously are? :thinking:

Where have you been? I criticized Trump for pulling our troops out too early and signing the bill to let federal criminals run free.
Русский агент (o,o) America First Abrams anatta anonymoose anonymous201 Anthem Arminius Bigdog BillyB BodyDouble BoomShaka Booyah! Boris The Animal Cancel 2018.1 Cancel 2018.2 Cawacko Celticguy CFM chink countryboy Dark Soul Darth Beto Omar Dropbear1 Emwu Evmetro Flash Getin the ring gfm7175 Granule Grugore Grumpy Guille Havana Moon Heff hvilleherb I Love America iewitness Into the Night Irish It's OK To Be White J Craft j-mac J.kennedy Jack jmotivator Kacper Legion liberalsAREracists Loving91390 MAGAt mak2 noise NOVA philly rabbit PostmodernProphet PraiseKek Proud Boy Q-Tip Ralph RB 60 Red Crow Reverend_Hellh0und Rob Larrikin Sailor Silver Buzzard Sirthinksalot SmarterthanYou Southern Dad Southern Music Stretch Superfreak Teflon Don Text Drivers are Killers The Ugly Truth TheDanold TheDonald tinfoil Tkaffen Tomas Fabregas Tommatthews TOP Truth Detector tsuke USFREEDOM911 volsrock Waternark WinterBorn Wolverine Yoda Yurty zymurgy

Any since you never have and never will, why shouldn't we all just declare checkmate,
call you all the total lemming loser slobs you all obviously are? :thinking:

When one sees nothing but constant attacks on the person they voted for, one feels obligated to defend said person. Between you, the mainstream media, and your fellow JPP libtards, there are more than enough people criticizing Trump.

Also, did you really put Tomas Fabregas on your list??? That guy does nothing but bash conservatives!
Checkmate, you lemming loser slob!
Русский агент (o,o) America First Abrams anatta anonymoose anonymous201 Anthem Arminius Bigdog BillyB BodyDouble BoomShaka Booyah! Boris The Animal Cancel 2018.1 Cancel 2018.2 Cawacko Celticguy CFM chink countryboy Dark Soul Darth Beto Omar Dropbear1 Emwu Evmetro Flash Getin the ring gfm7175 Granule Grugore Grumpy Guille Havana Moon Heff hvilleherb I Love America iewitness Into the Night Irish It's OK To Be White J Craft j-mac J.kennedy Jack jmotivator Kacper Legion liberalsAREracists Loving91390 MAGAt mak2 noise NOVA philly rabbit PostmodernProphet PraiseKek Proud Boy Q-Tip Ralph RB 60 Red Crow Reverend_Hellh0und Rob Larrikin Sailor Silver Buzzard Sirthinksalot SmarterthanYou Southern Dad Southern Music Stretch Superfreak Teflon Don Text Drivers are Killers The Ugly Truth TheDanold TheDonald tinfoil Tkaffen Tomas Fabregas Tommatthews TOP Truth Detector tsuke USFREEDOM911 volsrock Waternark WinterBorn Wolverine Yoda Yurty zymurgy

Any since you never have and never will, why shouldn't we all just declare checkmate,
call you all the total lemming loser slobs you all obviously are? :thinking:
Wow, I see you put a lot of time,effort and thought into making that list. Did you peruse all board members' posts from the last few months before determining who would be on it?
TDS has caused you to loose all touch of reality.
Reminds me of the John Nash character in A Beautiful Mind..
I hereby criticize many things that Trump has said or done that I wish he hadn't.

I hereby criticize Trump for many things that he has not said or done that I wish he had.

I cannot criticize Trump for doing the only thing I hoped he would do, and he did it before taking office.
When one sees nothing but constant attacks on the person they voted for, one feels obligated to defend said person. Between you, the mainstream media, and your fellow JPP libtards, there are more than enough people criticizing Trump.

Also, did you really put Tomas Fabregas on your list??? That guy does nothing but bash conservatives!
Checkmate, you lemming loser slob!

Sounds like someone needs a safe space.
I hereby criticize many things that Trump has said or done that I wish he hadn't.

I hereby criticize Trump for many things that he has not said or done that I wish he had.

I cannot criticize Trump for doing the only thing I hoped he would do, and he did it before taking office.

Three more lines of nothing is your coming out?
Русский агент (o,o) America First Abrams anatta anonymoose anonymous201 Anthem Arminius Bigdog BillyB BodyDouble BoomShaka Booyah! Boris The Animal Cancel 2018.1 Cancel 2018.2 Cawacko Celticguy CFM chink countryboy Dark Soul Darth Beto Omar Dropbear1 Emwu Evmetro Flash Getin the ring gfm7175 Granule Grugore Grumpy Guille Havana Moon Heff hvilleherb I Love America iewitness Into the Night Irish It's OK To Be White J Craft j-mac J.kennedy Jack jmotivator Kacper Legion liberalsAREracists Loving91390 MAGAt mak2 noise NOVA philly rabbit PostmodernProphet PraiseKek Proud Boy Q-Tip Ralph RB 60 Red Crow Reverend_Hellh0und Rob Larrikin Sailor Silver Buzzard Sirthinksalot SmarterthanYou Southern Dad Southern Music Stretch Superfreak Teflon Don Text Drivers are Killers The Ugly Truth TheDanold TheDonald tinfoil Tkaffen Tomas Fabregas Tommatthews TOP Truth Detector tsuke USFREEDOM911 volsrock Waternark WinterBorn Wolverine Yoda Yurty zymurgy

Any since you never have and never will, why shouldn't we all just declare checkmate,
call you all the total lemming loser slobs you all obviously are? :thinking:

I don't think we should pull out of Syria. I think tariffs are ill advised, save the one's that involve national security, such as China stealing our intellectual property. I wish Trump would have someone proofread his tweets, to at least give the impression he is somewhat well-read. I also wish he would rid himself of whoever is giving him such terrible advice, and surround himself with solid, conservative advisors. Many of his staffing choices have been horrendous. He should immediately remove all family members from positions of authority.

Many of us do criticize the president when warranted, but you already knew that. Happy? Of course you aren't.
Русский агент (o,o) America First Abrams anatta anonymoose anonymous201 Anthem Arminius Bigdog BillyB BodyDouble BoomShaka Booyah! Boris The Animal Cancel 2018.1 Cancel 2018.2 Cawacko Celticguy CFM chink countryboy Dark Soul Darth Beto Omar Dropbear1 Emwu Evmetro Flash Getin the ring gfm7175 Granule Grugore Grumpy Guille Havana Moon Heff hvilleherb I Love America iewitness Into the Night Irish It's OK To Be White J Craft j-mac J.kennedy Jack jmotivator Kacper Legion liberalsAREracists Loving91390 MAGAt mak2 noise NOVA philly rabbit PostmodernProphet PraiseKek Proud Boy Q-Tip Ralph RB 60 Red Crow Reverend_Hellh0und Rob Larrikin Sailor Silver Buzzard Sirthinksalot SmarterthanYou Southern Dad Southern Music Stretch Superfreak Teflon Don Text Drivers are Killers The Ugly Truth TheDanold TheDonald tinfoil Tkaffen Tomas Fabregas Tommatthews TOP Truth Detector tsuke USFREEDOM911 volsrock Waternark WinterBorn Wolverine Yoda Yurty zymurgy

Any since you never have and never will, why shouldn't we all just declare checkmate,
call you all the total lemming loser slobs you all obviously are? :thinking:

When will you stop kissing Obama's ass?

Checkmate, boy.
When one sees nothing but constant attacks on the person they voted for, one feels obligated to defend said person.

Do you feel compelled to defend him on every issue. Are you willing to accept that he very likely had affairs with Stormy and Karen? If so, do you defend such behavior? If Trump cheated on his taxes, will you defend that too? In other words, are you a defender of his policies or simply a "hero worshipper'?

Also, did you feel the same way about Obama defenders that were constantly having to defend their voting choice against the legions of hypocrite Conservatives and
closet racists that were simply afraid of an educated black man. Just asking?