APP - When will calls for a bailout come?

A bunch of us were talking about this topic recently as a few family members had trouble with home appliances. One old timer, a plumber said while the refrigerator said it was made in Mexico it was really made in Korea? I thought huh! For some reason Korea was worse than Mexico? Does it really make any difference. Look at opioid deaths in Ohio and look at the job market. With automation, AI and a global economy soon UBI will be the only humane tactic left in the economist's bag. Personally I've always argued for support local, buy local, buy made here. But no one does that as foreign cars and appliances are cheaper. Trump was going to tariff? Can you really imagine your pretentious friends driving a Chevy or Ford? The topic is a tough one, add incompetent state and city administrators who put off the day of reckoning or had this crazy idea that constant growth is an iron law of economics and see the sources of failure. How is it some states do well and others are always on the brink of failure.

The Japanese engage in keiretsu while Americans engage in free market screwing of each other. But it's made in America they tell me, I reply, it is put together in America with foreign parts, usually in the South where they have received tax subsides and other perks and the workers are non-union and so it goes.....

"Japan ships 1.5 million cars to America each year, but allows only 20,000 American cars into its own market. Since 2012, Japan’s yen has devalued by 50 percent against the dollar. Now Japan wants tariff-free access to the U.S. market through the TPP while it continues to cheat on currency." see American and TPP
While this piece takes its aim at capitalism, it is relevant to topic. The trouble though is what is the replacement?

"Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite." John Kenneth Galbraith

"Most interactions with people that you trust, people that you love, or people that just need to cooperate with on an immediate basis, take the form of “From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.” It doesn’t matter if you’re working for the government, working for a corporation, or working in your family; if you need to fix the toilet because it’s leaking and you say “Hand me the wrench,” the other guy doesn’t say “What do I get for that?” It’s not an exchange; people act according to their abilities to chip in. Ironically communism is applied because it’s the only thing that works; it’s the most efficient way to allocate resources. Thus I like to say that you could argue that capitalism is just a bad way of organizing communism." David Graeber
A bunch of us were talking about this topic recently as a few family members had trouble with home appliances. One old timer, a plumber said while the refrigerator said it was made in Mexico it was really made in Korea? I thought huh! For some reason Korea was worse than Mexico? Does it really make any difference. Look at opioid deaths in Ohio and look at the job market. With automation, AI and a global economy soon UBI will be the only humane tactic left in the economist's bag. Personally I've always argued for support local, buy local, buy made here. But no one does that as foreign cars and appliances are cheaper. Trump was going to tariff? Can you really imagine your pretentious friends driving a Chevy or Ford? The topic is a tough one, add incompetent state and city administrators who put off the day of reckoning or had this crazy idea that constant growth is an iron law of economics and see the sources of failure. How is it some states do well and others are always on the brink of failure.

The Japanese engage in keiretsu while Americans engage in free market screwing of each other. But it's made in America they tell me, I reply, it is put together in America with foreign parts, usually in the South where they have received tax subsides and other perks and the workers are non-union and so it goes.....

"Japan ships 1.5 million cars to America each year, but allows only 20,000 American cars into its own market. Since 2012, Japan’s yen has devalued by 50 percent against the dollar. Now Japan wants tariff-free access to the U.S. market through the TPP while it continues to cheat on currency." see American and TPP
Trump canned TPP, didn't you get the memo?

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Trump canned TPP, didn't you get the memo?

Does that really matter when there are no jobs? Presumably that was about fair trade. Right now China is dumping steel and aluminum, the Japanese are dumping cars and embargoing our products, the Asian Indians are answering your questions concerning just about anything, Walmart is paying food stamp salaries, and you are whining on a foreign made computer with a foreign made routing device. And so it goes....

Support America: and

"There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve, then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tiny blasts of tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us." Pogo

Pres Trump, Stop calling healthcare Obamacare, this is your watch and what you do or don't do or allow others to do is now Trumpcare.