It's in the header. I was a mild Obama supporter, but I criticized him to holy hell when he dropped the ball. When will JPP Trumpers stop carrying water for Trump and hold him accountable for anything? When the kool-aid buzz wears off, you'll start to realize that his administration thus far has been a dismal failure in every respect (Gorsuch wasn't even his win, it was given to him on a silver platter by McConnell). And he'll keep being a failure as long as his supporters give him a pass on every single thing he drops the ball on. He'll only improve (whatever that looks like) when his base starts to turn on him. Or he'll throw a baby tantrum and take a nap. But at least you'll know either way.
I wish Trump supporters can see what they look like to non-Trump supporters. Watching them trip over themselves to apologize and enable this orange buffoon is like watching a monkey molesting a football.
I know you're not holding your breath..
Those unwilling or unable to kowtow the worthless POS have already left, Gergen, Will, kristol etc & I don't blame them one bit, so what you are left w/ is ppl that who for the most part didn't have the dirty as their first choice, perhaps not even in the top ten, nonetheless the SOB is their party leader & they are sticking w/ him come hell or high water, thick n thin & he knows it.. He said he could shoot someone & they wouldn't leave him, he was about 99% correct...
Unfortunately that isn't unique...
The battered wife syndrom

If someones spouse does them wrong they will hold them accountable, leave or whatever, but for some reason their team/politics is above all that rational..
What is unique is ppl willing to admit the failures of the one they selected & criticize & hold them accountable..
The failings, errors etc of their chosen leader or the guy on third base is theirs, the baseman, the leader etc not theirs, so admitting that should be pretty simple but for some reason most folks can't, as they see it as a failing/error on their part so they lie to themselves........
Nor is it unque to the right, I, as did you, saw it when Obama was elected & the very folks mocking bush for bailing out his "buddies on wallstreet" cheered &/or @ least rolled w/ bailouts when it was their guy doing it.......
Total reversal, just like the gop flip on "free trade", & they nary bat an eye...
Hopefully in the next planet of the apes IV the apes win & see if they can do better...