When You See "Donald Trump" & "Fix" In The Same Sentence......

When You See "Donald Trump" & "Fix" In The Same Sentence......

.....Ya' gotta pretty-much PLAN on there being a hu$tle in-the-works!!!!

October 3, 2016 - "The latest revelations about Donald Trump's taxes are pushing questions about his business record, personal finances, and transparency back into the campaign spotlight. But they also connect to a larger policy fight: Trump is calling for a significant decrease in taxes on the wealthy while Hillary Clinton is calling for a significant increase.

Lily Batchelder, a former economic adviser to President Obama, noted that individuals aren't allowed to deduct losses on their home values, only on investment property. They also aren't allowed to average their income across several years, which Trump was able to effectively do with his business losses, to obtain middle class tax benefits.

While it wouldn't ban Trump's '90s-era tax practices, his proposed plan would bestow a variety of new benefits to wealthy individuals and companies.

"Trump's tax plan would definitely be a huge tax cut for him," Batchelder said.

On the individual front, the gains would be heavily concentrated at the top. For the bottom 80% of earners, after-tax incomes would rise by under 2%. The richest 1% of Americans, by contrast, would see an average bump between 10% and 16%.

As for Clinton, there's nothing that leaps out in her plan so far that would force Trump to pay taxes while claiming major losses. But her campaign has proposed a variety of measures that would raise taxes on wealthy individuals who are turning a profit, including a new "Buffett Rule" that would create a minimum 30% tax rate for people with an adjusted gross income over $1 million.

The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimated the proposals would add up to $1.1 trillion in revenue over the next decade. Since then, Clinton has also proposed a new 65% top estate tax rate that would apply only to inheritances over $500 million."

October 2, 2016 - "In response to the ever-mounting debt, Trump described his economic solution and plan as the biggest tax cut since Ronald Reagan.

“The Trump economic agenda are three beautiful words: jobs, jobs, jobs. We’re bringing our jobs back,” Trump said.

However, according to an op-ed in Brookings, Trump's plan would ultimately increase the national debt and hike interest rates, effectively nullifying any economic benefits and create a deficit of $9.4 trillion between 2017 and 2026."



The Real Reagan Legacy
