1960s Chick Magnet
A little bit of cunnilingus is simply being a gentleman.
At some, point, however, Mr. Johnson gets impatient.
One wonders if we've been licking Israel's clit for too long.
One wonders if they're becoming a little bit too much like those who've persecuted them
because we've made them feel too entitled.
Moving our embassy to Jerusalem was a real bitch move.
The digs in Tel Aviv were just fine.
At some, point, however, Mr. Johnson gets impatient.
One wonders if we've been licking Israel's clit for too long.
One wonders if they're becoming a little bit too much like those who've persecuted them
because we've made them feel too entitled.
Moving our embassy to Jerusalem was a real bitch move.
The digs in Tel Aviv were just fine.