Where are we with Israel?


1960s Chick Magnet
A little bit of cunnilingus is simply being a gentleman.
At some, point, however, Mr. Johnson gets impatient.

One wonders if we've been licking Israel's clit for too long.
One wonders if they're becoming a little bit too much like those who've persecuted them
because we've made them feel too entitled.

Moving our embassy to Jerusalem was a real bitch move.
The digs in Tel Aviv were just fine.
1. Come up with a 'Two-State' solution.
2. Come up with a 'One-State' solution.
3. Kill off the Palestinians.
4. Kill off the Hebrews.

This doesn't seem to be too difficult to figure out.

--->At the present, Option #3 is being employed.
I bet if we stopped supplying Israel with weapons, they'd be more frugal in their use. Maybe so frugal they'd consider not just peace *talks* but actual *PEACE.*