Where are you at BB?


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It appears that you are still on but you have not posted for a while. Did you drink too much cheap beer and pass out?:pke:

It appears that you are still on but you have not posted for a while. Did you drink too much cheap beer and pass out?:pke:

Nothing strikes me enough to post...just being polite here!:D

This board is moving too slow...making me sleepy...think I will close out and watch some tv before I hit the sack...night all!
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I drink fine beer, meself. Absolutely LOVE Belgian brews: top favorites, like EVER, are Blue Moon and Fat Tire. Not big on dark brews, like Guiness (the man's beer, as I hear), but perhaps someday I will grow to like them. I tried the darker brew, Abbey, by the company that makes Fat Tire and didn't like it. It tasted a bit like Michelobs Bavarian, which was absolutely revolting.
Nothing strikes me enough to post...just being polite here!:D

This board is moving too slow...making me sleepy...think I will close out and watch some tv before I hit the sack...night all!
Night man. Sleep well and know that I respect you even though you are wrong most of the time.
I drink fine beer, meself. Absolutely LOVE Belgian brews: top favorites, like EVER, are Blue Moon and Fat Tire. Not big on dark brews, like Guiness (the man's beer, as I hear), but perhaps someday I will grow to like them. I tried the darker brew, Abbey, by the company that makes Fat Tire and didn't like it. It tasted a bit like Michelobs Bavarian, which was absolutely revolting.
I love Belgian Beers, love lambics, Blue Moon is good but there is a white made in Austin that is better but I can't remember it's name. I also drink Maudite and Chamay.
I love Belgian Beers, love lambics, Blue Moon is good but there is a white made in Austin that is better but I can't remember it's name. I also drink Maudite and Chamay.

Kind of like Hefeweizen. There is a local brew called Pyramid that I prefer to Widmer. But yeah, I am hooked on Blue Moon. I have three left, and one is in the freezer cooling for me right now... :clink:
Love Heffe Weizen. I lived in Bavaria for almost 3 years. Best HW is the whole world, but we have a local brewery here that does a really good one. I like all kinds of beer. I like Darks like Imperial Stout and Porters, I like heavily hopped bears like Stone Breweries Ruination IPA which finishes at about 100 ibu's. I like Barely wines and Marzens, Pilsners of the german and bohemian kind. I like Scottish Ales with peat smoked barley, Ryes, steams and ESB's. If it has Barley, Water, Hops and Yeast, no rice and no corn then it is PROBABLY a good beer and I will drink it. I will not drink the common swill made by BudMillerOors.
Actually, I like the third member of BudMillerOors. Bud is nasty as shit, and I haven't really had any Miller to say. Yeah, its neat to go through the beer section and eye all the random, local brands. It can be fun to experiment.