Where did AQ get their name ?


Villified User
Does anyone know where AQ got their name ?
I saw on a show that it was the name of the CIA run training camp where the first of them were trained. Is this true ?
al-Qaeda means "the base", much like Hizbollah means "The Party of God" they both are based in that same theme. They claim to be the "base" of Islam...
al-Qaeda means "the base", much like Hizbollah means "The Party of God" they both are based in that same theme. They claim to be the "base" of Islam...

Ironically, Bush calls his supporters "my Base," too. Both bin Laden and Bush claim to have conversations with God...In fact God told bin Laden to strike American and then God told Bush to go get bin Laden...

It was similar to what he did in that story about Job, where he bet the devil that no matter what the devil did to Job, Job wouldn't denounce God. So the devil did whatever he wanted to Job for awhile, but the bet was rigged because God can see into the future and the devil can't, and God already knew that Job wouldn't denounce him because of that seeing into the future thing, but evidently the devil didn't know about it because he took the bet and then proceeded to put Job through all kinds of hell. Job got huge boils and all kinds of nasty ugly things done to him by Lucifer, just to try to prove God wrong, but Lucifer couldn't prove God wrong, but he sure gave hell to poor Job trying to.

Even though I was only four the first time I read that story I said that does it for me. I decided right then and there that I was never going to be part of that kind of wager. So I talked to God right away and I said, Listen up, God, if any of this shit ever starts happenin' to me, I'll denounce you in a New York Minute. So that's why to this day, I ain't never had boils and such...and so far I ain't had to spend no time in a whale's belly...or an Iraqi jail.
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111 I see it all the time or 1111..... :( It's weird....

of course I am clueless as to what all the above numbers mean, but I thought I would contribute! :)
