Where Did The Towers Go?


Staff member

Basically, she believes that "somebody" used new technology that can make buildings turn into powder.

A PhD in Engineering. Doctor Judy Wood has determined that the evidence shows that somebody out there (doesn't address who, she just lists "empirical evidence" without connecting it to any motive or conspiracy) has a weapon that can take apart the atomic particles and turn them into other things, or simply take apart buildings and make them evaporate. She insists that we saw the towers turn to powder before our eyes.

Quite an interesting person to listen to, she was on Coast to Coast last night.

During the show she speculated (yes I say speculated on purpose) that this new particle beam uses "free energy" from vibrations... That it was used at different levels on each tower including Tower 7 and other buildings that were damaged, and was the reason that the post office was "pristinely undamaged"...

Fascinating stuff.

And before Onceler, Zappa, or Rana insists that I believe this, I really don't but am still fascinated and curious.

Basically, she believes that "somebody" used new technology that can make buildings turn into powder.

A PhD in Engineering. Doctor Judy Wood has determined that the evidence shows that somebody out there (doesn't address who, she just lists "empirical evidence" without connecting it to any motive or conspiracy) has a weapon that can take apart the atomic particles and turn them into other things, or simply take apart buildings and make them evaporate. She insists that we saw the towers turn to powder before our eyes.

Quite an interesting person to listen to, she was on Coast to Coast last night.

During the show she speculated (yes I say speculated on purpose) that this new particle beam uses "free energy" from vibrations... That it was used at different levels on each tower including Tower 7 and other buildings that were damaged, and was the reason that the post office was "pristinely undamaged"...

Fascinating stuff.

And before Onceler, Zappa, or Rana insists that I believe this, I really don't but am still fascinated and curious.

We've all seen that before. :)
Interesting, but i'm sticking with the, tried and tested, invisible Godzilla hypothesis.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;810023 said:
So, now the Dalai Damocles is trolling for Truthers....:lol:because he's "curious"....again.

apparently anything except - republicans are losers - is above your head
Look I dont care what political side your on or how far left or right, anyone that believes GW Bush and his administration was complicit in murdering over 3000 americans that day and many more in the subsequent years is just plain silly.
Could it have been a conspiracy comprised of american terrorists, absolutely, but the govt and bush DID NOT do it. Thats what I believe.
It's like believing the other moron from Texas was competent enough to murder JFK. How exactly did they each manage to pull off this one spectacular move and then fuck up on everything else, including keeping people quiet about whatever they were doing (which certainly never seemed to be happening under Bush, and now the popularity of whistle blowers is continuing under Obama)?
Has anybody ever confirmed this or is this lady crazy? Also I think we should have people on the "inside" in terrorist groups so this can be proved.