Where do we go from here?


Verified User
I think more and more Trump supporters are realizing they made a mistake, but don't know how to abandon ship and save face. Trump asked for so much investment and gave little in return. He turned otherwise decent folk into people that had to defend, apologize, and endorse abhorrent behavior. Legit issues were interbred with some pretty nasty stuff last election. People losing jobs, economic stagnation, threat of terrorism -- was mixed subtly and overtly with racism and bigotry. In the end, people became mean and angry. Even people that oppose his behavior (e.g. liberals) have become violent and nasty in protests. No one has clean hands here.

While I think it is acceptable to ridicule terrible behavior, people looking to break from the nastiness of the past 1.5 years should be given a break. On both sides. I believe in a good come-back story. The alternative is that they go down with the ship, and liberals and progressives spend the next half century rubbing salt in the wound. Which may feel good, but accomplishes nothing.

we just shovel the shit over the demmycrats in the gutter......pass a new health care law, pass tax reform and move on to Trump's second term......
we just shovel the shit over the demmycrats in the gutter......pass a new health care law, pass tax reform and move on to Trump's second term......

You just validated the poster's point, do you actually think your heavy partisanship will be forgotten by those you want to "bury" when the pendulum shifts the other way as it always does?
You just validated the poster's point, do you actually think your heavy partisanship will be forgotten by those you want to "bury" when the pendulum shifts the other way as it always does?

uh dude........those I want to bury would never have voted for anyone I liked.......burying them is in my best interests.....I don't believe anything will be forgotten.....if demmycrats ever do manage to elect a president again, he'll never get a cabinet......
I think more and more Trump supporters are realizing they made a mistake, but don't know how to abandon ship and save face. Trump asked for so much investment and gave little in return. He turned otherwise decent folk into people that had to defend, apologize, and endorse abhorrent behavior. Legit issues were interbred with some pretty nasty stuff last election. People losing jobs, economic stagnation, threat of terrorism -- was mixed subtly and overtly with racism and bigotry. In the end, people became mean and angry. Even people that oppose his behavior (e.g. liberals) have become violent and nasty in protests. No one has clean hands here.

While I think it is acceptable to ridicule terrible behavior, people looking to break from the nastiness of the past 1.5 years should be given a break. On both sides. I believe in a good come-back story. The alternative is that they go down with the ship, and liberals and progressives spend the next half century rubbing salt in the wound. Which may feel good, but accomplishes nothing.

Burn the bitch down