Where Have All The Good Guys Gone?


Verified User
Conservative Americans can find a few decent commentators on social media:

Democrats will keep the COVID-19 thing rolling as long as they can

The problem is, the pandemic is a scam, the disease is much milder than they claim, the true death toll is less than what the normal seasonal flu claims each year, and it was all a political game combined with the impeachment, rioting, claims of racism, and election fraud to remove President Trump from office at any cost while also creating a large pile of crises to keep you off balance, worried, and ready for a governmental solution.

Next Step for COVID-19
By Douglas V. Gibbs
January 12, 2021


There is not a chance conservatives will ever find a decent journalist in the MSM. It all makes me wonder what these guys would say about the Democrat Party’s coronavirus conspiracy?








There is not a chance conservatives will ever find a decent journalist in the MSM.

The popular vote by hook or crook or television mouths as Despicable Joe Biden proved:

The resolution, led by Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., claims that the "development of mass media and the internet has made information about Presidential candidates easily accessible to United States citizens across the country and around the world," the Washington Examiner reported.

Democrats launch campaign to change Constitution, abolish Electoral College
By Bob Unruh
Published January 13, 2021 at 9:42pm

There is little doubt the liberals now have a lock on politics.

They own the media and now elections so it's going to be a one-sided government from here on out until they destroy the nation and scurry away.
Democrats will keep the COVID-19 thing rolling as long as they can

Why would Johnson shutdown the UK stores right before Christmas? There are no Democrats in the UK.

In fact, the worldwide economy is in depression due to a worldwide pandemic, that you blame on a single party that did not even have control of even one country. It does not make sense.
There are no Democrats in the UK.

To Walt: The Labour Party is the U.K.’s Democrat Party.

Incidentally, most Americans associate Communism/Socialism with the Soviet Union. In fact, worldwide Socialism/Communism has much deeper roots in the U.K. than it ever had in the Soviet Union or in Communist China.

Note that Fabian Society intellectuals got started in this country about the same time the Labour Party was making headway in the U.K.

My point:

. . . over the last 100 years, socialism has never lacked apologists among the intellectual and media elite.

A Blanket of Silence
Andrew B. Wilson
September 14, 2018, 12:05 am


In fact, the worldwide economy is in depression due to a worldwide pandemic, that you blame on a single party that did not even have control of even one country. It does not make sense.

To Walt: The only economy in trouble is the one the non-existent pandemic created to enrich parasites in the medical industry.

You unintentionally got one thing right. Democrat lock downs are responsible for destroying the lives of millions of productive Americans.
The Labour Party is the U.K.’s Democrat Party.

Johnson is not in the Labour Party.

The fact is that this is happening around the world, so blaming the Democrats who only control a few states in one country is insane.
There is not a chance conservatives will ever find a decent journalist in the MSM. It all makes me wonder what these guys would say about the Democrat Party’s coronavirus conspiracy?

American conservatives are lucky to find their ass when it is time to wipe.
Asshole: I did not say he was:

The point is that the world is going through an economic crisis, because the world is going through a pandemic. Trying to blame the Democrats for that is silly, and says how desperate you are to shift blame.

The countries that have done best are the countries that have solved the pandemic fastest. To solve a problem, you need to admit the problem. It is Republicans who are blocking even admitting there is a problem.

Johnson shutdown stores right before Christmas. It was brutal, but things were already collapsing due to the pandemic. He hoped to at least recover something out of the disaster.
imagine even a dumbshit trump stooge believing covid is a hoax. IN EVERY COUNTRY OF THE WORLD, COVID IS A HOAX STAGED BY AMERICAN DEMOCRATS. good god. it is almost impossible to believe there are people that fucking stupid in the world....how did they survive childhood being so goddamn easily played and stupid? same thing for how these idiots can believe somehow 6 different states somehow let democrats rig their elections, but just against trump, not for the other GOP candidates on the same ballot who won by more than predicted.
The point is that the world is going through an economic crisis, because the world is going through a pandemic.

To Walt: The tragedy is that fools and parasites believe that a seasonal flu is a pandemic killing millions worldwide:

The problem is, the pandemic is a scam, the disease is much milder than they claim, the true death toll is less than what the normal seasonal flu claims each year, and it was all a political game combined with the impeachment, rioting, claims of racism, and election fraud to remove President Trump from office at any cost while also creating a large pile of crises to keep you off balance, worried, and ready for a governmental solution.

Even without MSM —— MOSTLY TELEVISION —— providing a never-ending stream of talking points mentally deficient freaks like you would spread the pandemic lie on social media.

Next Step for COVID-19​

To Walt: Here is the next step for the pandemic fraud:

“Here’s the deal: The more people we vaccinate, the faster we do it, the sooner we can save lives and put this pandemic behind us and get back to our lives and loved ones,” Biden said during a speech on Thursday night. “We won’t get out of it overnight and we can’t do it as a separated nation.”

BREAKING: Joe Biden to Send In National Guard to Distribute COVID Vaccine
Collin Rugg
Posted January 15, 2021


The next media lie will tell the world “The pandemic is over thanks to President Biden’s action.” Naturally, halfwits like you will flood social media with even bigger lies detailing how filthy scum-sucking Biden united the nation under Communism after he saved millions of lives —— Biden’s pals in China will furnish the talking points.

imagine even a dumbshit trump stooge believing covid is a hoax. IN EVERY COUNTRY OF THE WORLD, COVID IS A HOAX STAGED BY AMERICAN DEMOCRATS.

To Hoosier Daddy: Asshole. The fraud was set in motion by the United Nations who happen to control the press ————AND THE GOVERNMENTS —— in every country thru the New World Order crowd. Note that the fake pandemic is a much bigger lie than the one that said Biden won the election fair and square.

p.s. At this point I do not know if the N.Y. Post will ban its reporters from citing MSM articles that specifically tell the pandemic lie:

The New York Post has reportedly banned its journalists from using certain left-leaning activist media outlets as their primary sources for articles. It appears the news organization’s leadership has taken issue with how these journalistic outlets covered President Donald Trump and conservatives.

According to a report published by The New York Times, “high-level editors at The New York Post instructed staff members this week not to use reporting from CNN, MSNBC, The Times and The Washington Post as the sole basis for any Post article, the three journalists said, speaking on the condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation.”

The order to avoid using these outlets as sources came from New York Post editor-in-chief Michelle Gotthelf. The journalists told The Times that if they see a story published by one of these companies, they must do some original reporting before writing the piece.

According to The Times’ article, the order was given because of the far-left bias that each of these outlets displays in their news coverage. The author wrote:

The three journalists said no explanation had been given, but they added that the reason did not have to be detailed. CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post and The Times are seen as liberal within the Murdoch empire, which is home to Fox News and Fox Business, cable networks that were instrumental to the rise of President Trump. To publish articles based on the work of those organizations would not fit The Post’s right-leaning identity, the journalists said.

The Post understands what many on the right have known for decades. The establishment media are biased in favor of the left and have used their platforms to assist the Democrats’ political endeavors.

These individuals no longer function as actual journalists dedicated to keeping their audiences informed. Rather, they exist as a marketing and propaganda arm of the party by protecting Democrat politicians while ruthlessly publishing reports designed to impugn Republicans. It is for this reason that I refer to them as the “activist media” and their supposed reporters as “media activists.”

One can hardly blame The Post for its new approach. We are no longer in a time when these news outlets had a slight left-wing bent. In this era, the activist media has all but thrown off any pretense of objectivity and desire to speak truth to power.

Unfortunately, as news outlets become more polarized, Americans will become even more divided. The echo chamber problem will only become worse because people will only read sources that agree with them politically. However, this is a problem that the left created by pushing the press further away from actual journalism and closer to full-blown activism.

New York Post Bans Reporters From Using Activist Media Outlets As Primary Sources
By Jeff Charles | Jan 15, 2021 9:00 PM ET

The tragedy is that fools and parasites believe that a seasonal flu is a pandemic killing millions worldwide:

Covid-19 is not a flu. Lets hope it does not become seasonal, because that will mean worse health problems for a long time.

“Here’s the deal: The more people we vaccinate, the faster we do it, the sooner we can save lives and put this pandemic behind us and get back to our lives and loved ones,” Biden said during a speech on Thursday night. “We won’t get out of it overnight and we can’t do it as a separated nation.”

The better we solve the pandemic, the better the economy will do. Biden is quite correct with this all. It is good to see some adult leadership for a change. I can't wait until Wednesday when we can start rebuilding our nation.

The next media lie will tell the world “The pandemic is over thanks to President Biden’s action.”

The pandemic is months, if not years, from being over. It will take a massive combined effort to defeat Covid-19, not the actions of one man.
There is little doubt the liberals now have a lock on politics.

They own the media and now elections so it's going to be a one-sided government from here on out until they destroy the nation and scurry away.

I wish they were actually liberals. they're internationalist fascist mass murderers.

however, their dark mission ultimately fails.
To AssHatZombie: Liberals-progressives-Socialists/Communists (DEMOCRATS) created a Culture of Death hiding behind an assortment of names. Note that the U.S.S.R. was an abbreviation for UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS.

You and your kind claim you abhor fascist mass murder at the same time every one of you adore Communist mass murder.

Irrespective of what liberals called themselves they advocated and defended everything mass murderers do after all of the political power is in their hands.

Liberals even legitimated mass murder when they only had limited political power in their hands —— infanticide, euthanasia, and doctor-assisted suicide. And lets not forget importing diseased illegal aliens because Democrats are so compassionate.

NOTE: Forced vaccinations is a baby step away from implementation. Vaccines engineered for population controls is the Democrat Party’s ‘humane’ method of eliminating a religion, a political belief, or an entire race. QUESTION: Will it be the white race or the black race?

I wish they were actually liberals. they're internationalist fascist mass murderers.

So why do I get the feeling that you are engaging in Orwellian speech?

So we are to imagine that those who objected to Biden's having stolen the election are responsible for the violence at the Capitol? And that, going forward, any public official who questions Biden's win should be removed from office, and that any corporate leader who objects should be fired? All this when the truth is that Trump in all likelihood won the election.

It is the perfect example of Orwellian speech. In his classic essay "Politics and the English Language," Orwell spoke of the condition where "words and meaning have almost parted company." If that "almost" is a measure of Orwellian speech, then today's Democrat leaders are beyond Orwellian. Their words and meaning have parted company entirely.

As Orwell also stressed, the decline of language is both cause and effect of the decline of politics. When politicians and media begin speaking nonsense, it is the symptom of an underlying corruption of political thinking. The idea that the president should be removed from office for having defended the electoral process is truly bizarre, but it has been repeated throughout the liberal media and by most liberal politicians and even by some conservatives.

One might say progressives like Nancy Pelosi have become "unhinged," but that would let them off the hook. It would suggest that they don't quite realize what they are doing. But what they are doing is the result of crafty political calculation. They want to tie President Trump with the Capitol violence to the point that he can never run again. The same political deviousness lies behind suggestions that he should not be in control of the nation's nuclear arsenal because of his supposed mental instability.

None of these charges has anything to do with the truth. Those most responsible for the Capitol disturbance were those who rigged the presidential election, and certainly these individuals and those who coordinated their efforts or knew in advance or concealed information afterward should be punished. One might say those who committed acts of violence on the Hill should be punished to the same extent that Antifa and BLM rioters were punished last summer.

But the charges against President Trump are Orwellian in that they invert the truth. The president argued, as he had every right to do, that the election was rigged, and he urged peaceful protest to defend our republic.

Even the president's calming words on the afternoon of the Capitol break-in have been met with Orwellian reaction. When President Trump said, "Go home. Go in peace," the media charged him with inciting further violence because he expressed his "love" for his supporters. That expression of love did more than anything to get them to go home.

In a further Orwellian twist, Biden and his cronies appear to have adopted many of President Trump's ideas for running the country, but they can't admit where those ideas came from. Biden's not entirely sure we can afford to forgive all student debt, and he now believes that the existing border policies are necessary for the time being. Gov. Cuomo now says we must "open things up," just as President Trump and many conservative governors said we should. But he can't admit that the idea came from conservatives — it's his idea. None of these ideas was right when Trump was president — they're right only after Biden takes office.

The media will go along with this lie, in typical Orwellian fashion.

The most important line in Orwell's famous essay is this: "In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible." The progressive inversion of the truth is just that: an attempt to defend the indefensible.

If progressives were honest and straightforward, they would be forced to state that they are radical environmentalists and socialists who want government to control the economy and equalize wages; who want socialized medicine for all; who think religious expression should be outlawed; who believe in a universal guaranteed income; who want to outlaw the use of fossil fuels; who want to expand affirmative action putting blacks and Hispanics farther ahead of whites; who believe that any reference to biological sex should be outlawed; who believe that America should be not a global superpower, but merely one nation among others; who believe that abortion at any stage is a universal right; who believe that American aid should go to the Palestinians and not to Israel; and so on.

President Trump clearly stated his own beliefs on a thousand occasions — President Biden should do so as well, but he won't. He uses the Orwellian tactic of disguising his beliefs in gibberish, and this is not because he's going daft, as he well may be. He'll speak of "expanding Obamacare" rather than socialized medicine. He'll talk of "defense partnerships" rather than abandoning control of our military. And on the environment, it's not even possible to tell what he wants, but he wants $400 billion to do it. Once again, "the defence of the indefensible."

The coordinated effort to impeach and convict the president is nothing less than a propaganda campaign, and the associated suppression of free speech on social media and elsewhere is the beginning of a dangerous national decline. It's not possible to say where it will end, but we must be entirely clear about what is happening. A progressive government will attempt to further limit free speech, assembly, religious expression, gun rights, access to employment, and other basic liberties. Progressives have already threatened conservatives with prosecution and imprisonment for the "crime" of denying anthropogenic global warming and for questioning the result of the 2020 election. What's next? The persecution of every American conservative in the same way that Gen. Flynn was persecuted?

It's a fine line between federal prison here in America and Dachau in Germany, and one can transform into the other in a matter of weeks. It did so in Germany in 1933, just five weeks after Hitler became chancellor. Don't think it can't happen here. It begins with "the defence of the indefensible" — and that is already well underway.

January 16, 2021
Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare
By Jeffrey Folks

To AssHatZombie: Liberals-progressives-Socialists/Communists (DEMOCRATS) created a Culture of Death hiding behind an assortment of names. Note that the U.S.S.R. was an abbreviation for UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS.

You and your kind claim you abhor fascist mass murder at the same time every one of you adore Communist mass murder.

Irrespective of what liberals called themselves they advocated and defended everything mass murderers do after all of the political power is in their hands.

Liberals even legitimated mass murder when they only had limited political power in their hands —— infanticide, euthanasia, and doctor-assisted suicide. And lets not forget importing diseased illegal aliens because Democrats are so compassionate.

NOTE: Forced vaccinations is a baby step away from implementation. Vaccines engineered for population controls is the Democrat Party’s ‘humane’ method of eliminating a religion, a political belief, or an entire race. QUESTION: Will it be the white race or the black race?

So why do I get the feeling that you are engaging in Orwellian speech?

So we are to imagine that those who objected to Biden's having stolen the election are responsible for the violence at the Capitol? And that, going forward, any public official who questions Biden's win should be removed from office, and that any corporate leader who objects should be fired? All this when the truth is that Trump in all likelihood won the election.

It is the perfect example of Orwellian speech. In his classic essay "Politics and the English Language," Orwell spoke of the condition where "words and meaning have almost parted company." If that "almost" is a measure of Orwellian speech, then today's Democrat leaders are beyond Orwellian. Their words and meaning have parted company entirely.

As Orwell also stressed, the decline of language is both cause and effect of the decline of politics. When politicians and media begin speaking nonsense, it is the symptom of an underlying corruption of political thinking. The idea that the president should be removed from office for having defended the electoral process is truly bizarre, but it has been repeated throughout the liberal media and by most liberal politicians and even by some conservatives.

One might say progressives like Nancy Pelosi have become "unhinged," but that would let them off the hook. It would suggest that they don't quite realize what they are doing. But what they are doing is the result of crafty political calculation. They want to tie President Trump with the Capitol violence to the point that he can never run again. The same political deviousness lies behind suggestions that he should not be in control of the nation's nuclear arsenal because of his supposed mental instability.

None of these charges has anything to do with the truth. Those most responsible for the Capitol disturbance were those who rigged the presidential election, and certainly these individuals and those who coordinated their efforts or knew in advance or concealed information afterward should be punished. One might say those who committed acts of violence on the Hill should be punished to the same extent that Antifa and BLM rioters were punished last summer.

But the charges against President Trump are Orwellian in that they invert the truth. The president argued, as he had every right to do, that the election was rigged, and he urged peaceful protest to defend our republic.

Even the president's calming words on the afternoon of the Capitol break-in have been met with Orwellian reaction. When President Trump said, "Go home. Go in peace," the media charged him with inciting further violence because he expressed his "love" for his supporters. That expression of love did more than anything to get them to go home.

In a further Orwellian twist, Biden and his cronies appear to have adopted many of President Trump's ideas for running the country, but they can't admit where those ideas came from. Biden's not entirely sure we can afford to forgive all student debt, and he now believes that the existing border policies are necessary for the time being. Gov. Cuomo now says we must "open things up," just as President Trump and many conservative governors said we should. But he can't admit that the idea came from conservatives — it's his idea. None of these ideas was right when Trump was president — they're right only after Biden takes office.

The media will go along with this lie, in typical Orwellian fashion.

The most important line in Orwell's famous essay is this: "In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible." The progressive inversion of the truth is just that: an attempt to defend the indefensible.

If progressives were honest and straightforward, they would be forced to state that they are radical environmentalists and socialists who want government to control the economy and equalize wages; who want socialized medicine for all; who think religious expression should be outlawed; who believe in a universal guaranteed income; who want to outlaw the use of fossil fuels; who want to expand affirmative action putting blacks and Hispanics farther ahead of whites; who believe that any reference to biological sex should be outlawed; who believe that America should be not a global superpower, but merely one nation among others; who believe that abortion at any stage is a universal right; who believe that American aid should go to the Palestinians and not to Israel; and so on.

President Trump clearly stated his own beliefs on a thousand occasions — President Biden should do so as well, but he won't. He uses the Orwellian tactic of disguising his beliefs in gibberish, and this is not because he's going daft, as he well may be. He'll speak of "expanding Obamacare" rather than socialized medicine. He'll talk of "defense partnerships" rather than abandoning control of our military. And on the environment, it's not even possible to tell what he wants, but he wants $400 billion to do it. Once again, "the defence of the indefensible."

The coordinated effort to impeach and convict the president is nothing less than a propaganda campaign, and the associated suppression of free speech on social media and elsewhere is the beginning of a dangerous national decline. It's not possible to say where it will end, but we must be entirely clear about what is happening. A progressive government will attempt to further limit free speech, assembly, religious expression, gun rights, access to employment, and other basic liberties. Progressives have already threatened conservatives with prosecution and imprisonment for the "crime" of denying anthropogenic global warming and for questioning the result of the 2020 election. What's next? The persecution of every American conservative in the same way that Gen. Flynn was persecuted?

It's a fine line between federal prison here in America and Dachau in Germany, and one can transform into the other in a matter of weeks. It did so in Germany in 1933, just five weeks after Hitler became chancellor. Don't think it can't happen here. It begins with "the defence of the indefensible" — and that is already well underway.

January 16, 2021
Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare
By Jeffrey Folks


liberal has become bastardized as a word. most "liberals" are in fact central planner cartel fascist genociders, as you say.
That's my grandfather. You're not allowed in my house.
We have a tractor. The women do the farming.
What language are they speaking? Where are they? Zimbabwe?

Vaccines engineered for population controls is the Democrat Party’s ‘humane’ method of eliminating a religion, a political belief, or an entire race.

The elderly are near the top of the list of priorities the very people the United Nations population control crowd will murder:

Very Frail "Should Probably NOT Be Vaccinated,” Says Top Norwegian Doc After 13 Elderly Deaths Linked to Pfizer's Experimental Concoction
By Michael Thau | Jan 16, 2021 1:00 PM ET


Never forget one immutable truth:


There is not a chance government butchers will tell the public what they put in those vaccines.

That's my grandfather. You're not allowed in my house.
We have a tractor. The women do the farming.
What language are they speaking? Where are they? Zimbabwe?

Looks like building methods from 1789 or 1889.

We already had concrete block or prestressed concrete in America.

My grandfather was building things better than that 50 years before that video was taken. They still stand to this day, too.