Where in the constitution does it say that rights apply to racists?


All rights in the constitution are specifically given to people, not racists. Nowhere in the constitution does it say "racists have a right to free speech". Racists aren't people, thus, rights don't apply to them.
I propose that we declare racists to be a subspecies of the human race. Homo racistus. They should be terminated until their numbers are no longer a threat to actual people or other animals, and the rest of the species should be kept in zoos to be gawked at by future humans, as proof that humans can be (distantly) related to something so low. Their environments should not be enriched to any standard greater than that of apes or monkeys, as they do not have the cognitive capacity to appreciate such enrichment.
All humans have rights.

Amazing, a murderer or mass murderer is more human than someone who simply hates someone for having different skin pigment.

People hate people for numerous reasons, why do you care so much if the hate is because of skin color? What about people who hate men or women? Are they human?
Amazing, a murderer or mass murderer is more human than someone who simply hates someone for having different skin pigment.

People hate people for numerous reasons, why do you care so much if the hate is because of skin color? What about people who hate men or women? Are they human?

Racists are a different species. I am just wishing that their population levels were controlled a bit to reduce the effect that they have on the environment.
All rights in the constitution are specifically given to people, not racists. Nowhere in the constitution does it say "racists have a right to free speech". Racists aren't people, thus, rights don't apply to them.

FYI: If "racists" did not exist, there would be a world populated by one RACE of humans. Racism is "natural"...people, as exampled by plain sight, naturally want to group together with their own kind...if not there would not or could not be any number of races, sub-races, and cultures. Face it...the world is populated by 3 major races of people and their sub-cultures 1. Caucasion 2. Mongoloid 3. Negroid

If things were as you IMAGINED in your mind there would be but one race of people OF THE SAME COLOR and CULTURE. What needs to be instructed as a moral compass is "TOLERANCE" of the existing races or sub species of the one true race of peoples on earth THE HUMAN RACE.

Liberals and their imaginary quest of "LA LA LAND" a utopian society were everyone holds hands and sings KUMBAYA. If characters such as TAUGHT YOU....would spend as much time living in the real world as they do living in that six inches between their ears, REALITY WOULD BE MUCH EASIER TO DEAL WITH......just like poverty, taxes and death....RACISM will exist as long as FREE WILL EXISTS UPON EARTH allowing people to make poor decisions. In order to eliminate RACISM as you define it.....the entire world would be controlled by despotism with the elimination of freedom.

Freedom comes with a known price tag.....when people are free to make decisions....some people are simply EVIL void of any kind of human empathy toward their fellow humans...i.e., psychopaths with no conscience. These people can't be trained like sheep. And just how are WE THE PEOPLE to divide these psychopaths from the REAL PEOPLE as you declare....until they decide to act upon that lack of conscience....WHAT just where to you keep this hoard of THOUGHT POLICE? When you begin chastising people because YOU THINK they are not as good as you due to their right of exercising their right to SPEAK FREELY....then we are living in another socialist experiment such as happened in NAZI GERMANY.

It seems to me the REAL HATERS are the one's that want to FORCE people to be just like them.
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I'm not a progressive and I'm not tolerant. I'm a socialist.

Right....a Godless communist. Just what do you assume socialism might be if not communism light? Its the ingredients that are dangerous, just like Lite Beer.....if enough is consumed one gets just as drunk. :) A LEFTIST is a LEFTIST.....anyway one wishes to pigeon hole it. You demand that others accept everyone and stop being racist or bigoted, but you just described yourself as being SPECIAL in a SPECIFIC GROUP that is DIFFERENT from everything else. Geeze WHAT HYPOCRISY...and the sad thing? Its like the wind blowing from one ear right through the other....they don't even realize or accept they are teaching bigotry toward their fellow human beings because of a simple difference of culture.
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Right....a Godless communist. Just what do you assume socialism might be if not communism light? Its the ingredients that are dangerous, just like Lite Beer.....if enough is consumed one gets just as drunk. :) A LEFTIST is a LEFTIST.....anyway one wishes to pigeon hole it. You demand that others accept everyone and stop being racist or bigoted, but you just described yourself as being SPECIAL in a SPECIFIC GROUP that is DIFFERENT from everything else. Geeze WHAT HYPOCRISY...and the sad thing? Its like the wind blowing from one ear right through the other....they don't even realize or accept they are teaching bigotry toward their fellow human beings because of a simple difference of culture.

Watermark's presence here is designed to make me question my pro life stance