Where is Darla...?

Big problems at work today. My closest co-worker got fired/quit in a big blow up. Not my closest as in, my best friend, but basically, the other half of my team. It's going to be a couple of weeks until I can post much, except in the evenings, probably.

Sorry, I know all you conservatives are going to miss me.

Big problems at work today. My closest co-worker got fired/quit in a big blow up. Not my closest as in, my best friend, but basically, the other half of my team. It's going to be a couple of weeks until I can post much, except in the evenings, probably.

Sorry, I know all you conservatives are going to miss me.

Sorry to here that...I have compassion for almost anyone...but alas..ya are a funny girl...even though we mostly disagree...me thinks ya really are a conservative..ya just haven't figured it out yet!...take care and keep your chin up...all will work out in the end!:)

I want to hear the gossip about the coworker. What was the blowup about?

And bb, noone ever got any off a message forum.:)

uhhh azzhat...this was not my intent...I have daughters and Grandaughters...I saw Darla as someone searching for the truth...albeit I do like adult humor...but ya are way off base on this one...ask Darla...she is a girl...she can see through BS...Never mind AHZ....ya are looking for a girl friend..good luck Dude!
uhhh azzhat...this was not my intent...I have daughters and Grandaughters...I saw Darla as someone searching for the truth...albeit I do like adult humor...but ya are way off base on this one...ask Darla...she is a girl...she can see through BS...Never mind AHZ....ya are looking for a girl friend..good luck Dude!

Just joking, man.:clink:

Just joking, man.:clink:

I know...but being a guy and all...if I were say twenty years younger...Darla would have peaked my interest in a way that was not all that fatherly...but alas she is a funny girl and deserves all my respect..albeit....so I kept it to a searching for the truth aspect...which is a good mission for all of us...NO?