APP - Where is David Hogg?


22 people injured at a shooting in New Jersey over the weekend, but it doesn’t fit the media narrative so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ – twitchy.com

Mass shooting and no wall to wall coverage from the left. Why? Is it because the victims are of color?
22 people injured at a shooting in New Jersey over the weekend, but it doesn’t fit the media narrative so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ – twitchy.com

Mass shooting and no wall to wall coverage from the left. Why? Is it because the victims are of color?

Good question.
Good question.

Not only is David Hogg surprisingly quiet, but our friends on the left here at JPP are amazingly silent. Have they not received their marching orders from Rachel Maddow and MSNBC? Does the shooting not fit their narrative?

Is there a racial component to the lefts concern?
Not only is David Hogg surprisingly quiet, but our friends on the left here at JPP are amazingly silent. Have they not received their marching orders from Rachel Maddow and MSNBC? Does the shooting not fit their narrative?

Is there a racial component to the lefts concern?

Good questions.

Have any celebrities or athletes orchestrated a mass protest because "black lives matter"?

I see no BLM marchers demanding an end to the violence, either.
Good questions.

Have any celebrities or athletes orchestrated a mass protest because "black lives matter"?

I see no BLM marchers demanding an end to the violence, either.

Admittedly, I am not aware of every corner of the inter webs, but I have seen no outrage. I usually look to MSNBC for guidance in such matters and I have yet to see any outrage about this gun related mass killing. It really does strike me as odd. Nothing from our JPP race hustlers and gun grabbers.