Where is Desh talking about Fraud in NH?


Abreast of the situations
The polls accurately predicted to within 1% error EVERY SINGLE CANDIDATE EXCEPT OBAMA/CLINTON. If you look at the pre-vote polls for ALL other candidates, they match up exactly. I mean exactly. Then, it is as if the Clinton/Obama results are reversed. They're both off by 5+% each. The statistical odds of this happening by chance must be astronomically small. This should cause a serious investigation into potential vote fraud. You must be able to explain this discrepancy and rule out fraud. Otherwise, fraud must be the prime suspect if we hope to have fair elections in the future!

New Hampshire's Polling Fiasco

January 09, 2008 12:05 AM

There will be a serious, critical look at the final pre-election polls in the Democratic presidential primary in New Hampshire; that is essential. It is simply unprecedented for so many polls to have been so wrong. We need to know why.

But we need to know it through careful, empirically based analysis. There will be a lot of claims about what happened - about respondents who reputedly lied, about alleged difficulties polling in biracial contests. That may be so. It also may be a smokescreen - a convenient foil for pollsters who'd rather fault their respondents than own up to other possibilities - such as their own failings in sampling and likely voter modeling.

There have been previous races that misstated support for black candidates in biracial races. But most of those were long ago, and there have been plenty of polls in biracial races that were accurate. (For more on past problems with polls in biracial races, see this blog I wrote for Freakonomics last May.) And there was no overstatement of Obama in Iowa polls.

On the other hand, the pre-election polls in the New Hampshire Republican race were accurate. The problem was isolated to the Democratic side - where, it should be noted, we have not just one groundbreaking candidate in Barack Obama, but also another, in Hillary Clinton.

A starting point for this analysis will be to look at every significant Democratic subgroup in the New Hampshire pre-election polls, and see how those polls did in estimating the size of those groups and their vote choices. The polls' estimates of turnout overall will be relevant as well.

In the end there may be no smoking gun. Those polls may have been accurate, but done in by a superior get-out-the-vote effort, or by very late deciders whose motivations may or may not ever be known. They may have been inaccurate because of bad modeling, compromised sampling, or simply an overabundance of enthusiasm for Obama on the heels of his Iowa victory that led his would-be supporters to overstate their propensity to turn out. (A function, perhaps, of youth.)

Prof. Jon Krosnick of Stanford University has another argument: That the order of names on the New Hampshire ballot - in which, by random draw, Clinton was toward the top, Obama at the bottom - netted her about 3 percentage points more than she'd have gotten otherwise. That's not enough to explain the gap in some of the polls, which presumably randomized candidate names, but it might hold part of the answer.

The data may tell us; it may not. What's beyond question is that it is incumbent on us - and particularly on the producers of the New Hampshire pre-election polls - to look at the data, and to look closely, and to do it without prejudging.
better then assassination? isn't this the other method everyone was talking about to get rid of the anti-establishment candidate.
This is just speculation, but I don't think the polls were wrong....as they stood 36 or 48 hours ago.

I think there was a last minute surge of women that voted for, that the polls lagged behind and didn't capture.
all i know is that Hillary defied some SERIOUS odds.... add this to her ability to make 100K off of 1K on cattle futures... the multiple voices of Hillary.. you know the black accents, the southern accent, robo-Hillary, and now the new woman who found herself in the last 48hours. It paints a picture of who we are dealing with..

What a grave picture i see.
This is just speculation, but I don't think the polls were wrong....as they stood 36 or 48 hours ago.

I think there was a last minute surge of women that voted for, that the polls lagged behind and didn't capture.

I agree with this completely. Women are the most fickle of all voters, and will change their minds on a whim. When they saw Hillar cry they felt sorry for her and voted for her. Its that simple.

Add that to the fact that many Democrats are inherently racist, and will tell a pollster that they'll vote for a black man but once inside the secret voting booth will vote their true intentions.
all i know is that Hillary defied some SERIOUS odds.... add this to her ability to make 100K off of 1K on cattle futures... the multiple voices of Hillary.. you know the black accents, the southern accent, robo-Hillary, and now the new woman who found herself in the last 48hours. It paints a picture of who we are dealing with..

What a grave picture i see.
She's great, isnt she? I fully support her- in the primary. :pke:
all i know is that Hillary defied some SERIOUS odds.... add this to her ability to make 100K off of 1K on cattle futures... the multiple voices of Hillary.. you know the black accents, the southern accent, robo-Hillary, and now the new woman who found herself in the last 48hours. It paints a picture of who we are dealing with..

What a grave picture i see.

Clinton Derangement Syndrome strikes again!
I agree with this completely. Women are the most fickle of all voters, and will change their minds on a whim. When they saw Hillar cry they felt sorry for her and voted for her. Its that simple.

Add that to the fact that many Democrats are inherently racist, and will tell a pollster that they'll vote for a black man but once inside the secret voting booth will vote their true intentions.

millions of people decided to vote for Bush, because Gore sighed too much, and Bush looked like a budweiser man.

So, I'm unlikely to put much stock in the bleatings of republican trolls whining about how people choose to vote.
In exit polls, just under 40% of women voters made up their mind on the day of the vote.

Pre-election polls don't capture that. Hillary's "genuine" moment got to them.
Chap - Do you have any actual evidence of any fraud whatsoever or is this simply an outcome that you dislike? Additionally, what polls are you talking about? From what I've seen they were all over the map after Iowa, on both sides.

As it turns out, the aggregate pre-election (as opposed to exit) polls were very accurate at predicting the percentage of voters that voted for Obama. However, the polls did not accurately predict how many folks would vote for Clinton. From what I've read, it appears that the undecideds largely broke in Clinton's favor and that's where the swing in her favor came from.