Where's Alexxfla?

His father has terminal cancer and I think the time's getting near. Also he sold his practice and agreed to work with the buyer for a year, so he could be pretty busy.
I see Jarod log on occassionaly. But, he hasn't posted in a while.

I didn't know about his dad. That sucks. That is a real tough thing to deal with.
It really is. At least they'll have some time together; doesn't really make it easier, but there is something to be said for having a little warning.
Yeah, I told him about my stepfather who has lung cancer that was supposed to be fatal. But he had a near miraculous recovery and the tumor is actually getting smaller, at least according to report it is. He was supposed to have died over 6 months ago now. Still going strong.
That's great, Damo! A similar thing happened to a friend of mine; I've posted this before. She was given pretty much three weeks to live, was on oxygen in order to breathe, and they zapped the tumor with radiation in an attempt to increase the opening to let her breathe easier. The tumor started shrinking noticeably within 24 hours. She's now 6 years cancer free!

This is the friend who's a vegetarian. There are some data suggesting that vegetarians fare better in these circumstances, but I don't think any partitioning has been done in terms of differences in (more healthful?) lifestyles that might accompany such a diet.

Anyway, hope may be slim but it shouldn't be ignored.