Where's Charver?

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Did the neocon fascist AOL'ers run him off too? I could use a good laugh. The Holidays are coming up and I hate them. Where's CHARVER???!!!
And what ever became of Diuretic, for that matter? He disappeared long before the AOL invasion, and we still have Brits posting on this site, but no Aussies. Crickey!
And what ever became of Diuretic, for that matter? He disappeared long before the AOL invasion, and we still have Brits posting on this site, but no Aussies. Crickey!

diuretic is at usmb, along with uscitizen who is now posting under his original name
I thought I saw Charver the other day...
I have no idea what Diruetic finds in USMB but he certainly posts there a lot, along with, oddly, Midcan. I have no idea what's wrong with midcan. It's like putting an ant in a bee nest.
Where's Gonzo? I always liked him, and he left before he completed his PhD, so I never got the final word on how that was going. Now that the people he didn't get along with are gone, it would be cool if he came back.

Also, Immie should come back. There are a host of really cool people that have left over the years.