Where's the beef?


Shaken, not stirred!
This is what I don't get about the jokers who stormed the Capitol bldg. in DC last week;

1. These folk took commercial flights, booked hotels, drove for miles to attend Dump's "Stop the Biden confirmation" rally (aka "stop the steal", "save America", etc.). That takes money, which since the pandemic started a whole lotta people just don't have to spare. So where is this pending doom all these MAGA mooks were railing about? Seems they're doing okay.

2. Prior to the Obama administration, the Shrub (aka G.W. Bush) nearly ran this country into a (2nd) Depression by putting reaganomics on steriods along with blowing the budget surplus on a bogus invasion/occupation of Iraq. Despite record setting obstructionism by the GOP, he managed to put this country on a slow recovery...something Dump took credit for and swears we as a country are doing fantastic. So why all the hand wringing about Biden, who essentially would try to continue the trend WITHOUT reinstating heinous parts of reaganomics (like tax breaks for the rich). Given that the vast majority of the yahoos that stormed the Capitol are NOT as wealthy as Trump, you'd think they'd appreciate this.

3. The Civil War ended over 150 years ago...the Confederacy (whose economic strength was based on slave labor) lost....so how exactly does Confederate flag waving/emblem wearing "make America great again".

4. For all the ballyhoo about ballot counting fraud, NONE of the Trump supporters, the Georgia governor or Trump himself mention the following: “This Is Voter Suppression”: 198,000 Georgia Residents Were Illegally Purged from Voter Rolls | Democracy Now!
This is permanent unless fixed before any new elections in Georgia. Seems MAGA mumblers could care less.

So someone explain to me what the ruckus was all about?
Here is what I do to get cheap beef....buy two McDoubles and then add...last time was lettuce, tomato, mustard and mayo.
The capital thing is old news, you can move on now.

Wow, that was lame Tinker. Since the election was "old news" by your standards, why don't you pass on your suggestion to your MAGA compadres, the right wing media and the Orange Oaf about to leave office. Would spare the nation a whole lot of silliness.
Okay, I've done looked at the people that stormed the Capitol building. They certainly don't look like radical anti-American extremists to me.
They do look like people concerned (perhaps overly so) about the direction America is headed in.
Doing it wrong. You go to a beef farmer and buy a side (1/2) of beef. (cow)

Since we bought a freezer from one of the many failed restaurants my wife wants to do that. My problem with that is that we eat less and less all the time......I dont want to be like my mom who tried to eat 9 year old steaks out of her freezer.
Okay, I've done looked at the people that stormed the Capitol building. They certainly don't look like radical anti-American extremists to me.
They do look like people concerned (perhaps overly so) about the direction America is headed in.

Why don't you grow a pair and respond to the what the OP is asking, snowflake? No one gives a damn about your general opinion. The final question pertains to the 4 items that precede it.
Why don't you grow a pair and respond to the what the OP is asking, snowflake? No one gives a damn about your general opinion.

Fuck off you commie pussy skinny-jean wearing punk. I could Suplex your fucktarded ass.
Real-life Suplex, punk. Your skull gets crushed n shit.
You need to talk to people with more respect, boy.
No one gives a damn about your commie bitch ass, bitch. You got the wrong answer today, boy.
I can bitchsmack you into yesterday if you get my dander up.
Tell me how much you weigh, pls.
I can slam people up to around 260 lbs.
After that extra measures are required.
Big tall skinny 200lb black talking cash shit? I'll dump that fuck right on his neck and if he gets ornery from there, it's not going to go his way.
I'm all about giving that extra chance most of the time..until I'm not.
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Fuck off you commie pussy skinny-jean wearing punk. I could Suplex your fucktarded ass.
Real-life Suplex, punk. Your skull gets crushed n shit.
You need to talk to people with more respect, boy.
No one gives a damn about your commie bitch ass, bitch. You got the wrong answer today, boy.

:rolleyes: See folks, this is why I have this clown on IA...Matty doesn't have the brains or the balls to honestly debate and issue, especially when he can't defend the actions of his like minded compadres. Like the right wing troll that he is, Matty just fills space with bluff and bluster...nothing else. He'll be back in the IA bin soon unless he grows up and debates like an adult.
:rolleyes: See folks, this is why I have this clown on IA...Matty doesn't have the brains or the balls to honestly debate and issue, especially when he can't defend the actions of his like minded compadres. Like the right wing troll that he is, Matty just fills space with bluff and bluster...nothing else. He'll be back in the IA bin soon unless he grows up and debates like an adult.

What is the position to debate, you obtuse fucktarded faggot?
There's more than that. That was just a taste. You are mistaken.

The USA only has two options I see.
Civil war or submission disposal.

Either way the USA appears to be toast.

Civil War will help invaders like Russia & China.

I have no hope or faith for the USA, there is a feeling of despair in the air.

The USA is a done deal.
The USA only has two options I see.
Civil war or submission disposal.

Either way the USA appears to be toast.

Civil War will help invaders like Russia & China.

I have no hope or faith for the USA, there is a feeling of despair in the air.

The USA is a done deal.

I'll admit there is an air of that, but hold on..

Things could get wild n wooly.
I am not counting America out yet.
Funny how all the right wingnut trolls who swear my threads/posts are not worth reading CONSISTENTLY respond to them. But since they just babble like drunks, I put them on IA for awhile...watching their obsession with railing against things they can't disprove. Sad.