Your “pResident” promised you that Mexico would pay for his border wall. Well, guess who’s paying for it now - and I'll be damned if it isn't your own sweet self.
Your “pResident” promised a healthcare plan that would cover everyone more cheaply and efficiently than Obamacare. So exactly what happened to that coverage? Are you really still waiting for it?
Your “pResident” promised to bring jobs back to the USA – but he still has all of his branded merchandise manufactured in low-wage countries. But don’t take my word for it – just check the made in China label on your MAGA hat.
Your “pResident” promised to populate his administration with “the best people”. Ever wonder why so many of those “best people” have been indicted, fired, or resigned? If he had hired the “best people” when he said he would, why are they being replaced on a weekly basis?
Your “pResident” promised to be “too busy” working for you to have time to play golf. Have you ever wondered why he has so much time on his hands, he has spent almost 25% of his time in office on the links?
Your “pResident” promised to “drain the swamp” of corrupt government officials. So why are so many of his appointees under investigation for everything from colluding with the Russians to using taxpayer dollars to fund personal vacations, extravagant office furnishings, and unnecessary first-class travel?
Your “pResident” promised to wipe-out the national debt while in office. So why is the country further in debt than it’s ever been in history?
Your “pResident” promised to lower taxes for the hard-working middle-class. So why did his “tax reform” give millions of dollars in tax-breaks to the wealthy, while giving a paltry pittance to people like you?
Your “pResident” held himself out as being a “very stable genius”. Have you ever wondered why your genius can’t spell, can’t put a coherent sentence together, and has to be spoon-fed his daily briefings because he doesn’t understand them?
Your “pResident” represented himself as a successful businessman. Are you completely unaware of his multiple bankruptcies, and the fact that he has been sued hundreds of times for failing to pay labourers and material suppliers who worked for him and were cheated out of their due compensation?
You insisted that your “pResident” is a good Christian. Do you think that good Christians mock the disabled, refer to Nazis and white supremacists as “fine people”, and have to pay off porn stars in order to secure their silence about their sexual proclivities?
Your “pResident” swore an oath to defend and protect the country he was elected to serve. So why did he hand over highly-classified information to our enemies, the Russians, in the Oval Office? Why does he insult our traditional allies, while praising Putin at every opportunity? Why was his response to Putin’s claim that he can wipe-out the US – complete with a graphic showing nuclear hits on Florida – a tweet-storm about Alec Baldwin’s SNL performaces?
Your “pResident” represented himself as the champion of downtrodden Americans. So why are our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico still without electricity? Do you really believe that throwing rolls of paper towels at people is demonstrative of caring for our fellow Americans, or that tweeting covfeve is a display of leadership?
Face the facts, Trumpster idiots – you’ve been had – BIGLY! Nothing that was promised has been delivered; nothing you counted on has come to fruition. You have been played as the ultimate suckers – and if you’re too God-damned stupid to recognize that by now, there is no hope for you.
You will continue to wait for your coal-mining jobs to miraculously reappear. You will continue to pray for your Trump-promised jobs to come back. You will continue to believe that a man who has lied to you repeatedly is somehow telling the truth. You will persist in your delusional belief that the man who can’t face the children of Parkland is a fearless leader who would have faced a crazed gunman without hesitation in order to protect them.
You will drown in your own idiocy, your own abject stupidity, your own inability to differentiate between fact and FOX-News propaganda.
Your messiah, the man who you believed would save you from those crazy “libtard ideas” – like access to healthcare, a decent education for your children, freedom from crushing national debt, and a strengthening of international cooperation that would make our country safe – has actually accomplished NOTHING. And yet you believe that any day now, he will deliver on the promises he made to people like you – the people he disdains because they were dumb enough to vote for him in the first place.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you – and you’d better be content with thoughts and prayers, because you won’t be getting anything more from your pussy-grabbing, lying, racist, Putin-loving Messiah anytime soon.
We patriots who love our country don’t hate you – we pity you. We wonder how you were dumb enough to fall for a snake-oil salesman; we are amazed at how easily duped you were. But we decent Americans will continue to protect your rights, protect your freedoms, and protect our nation from all enemies (foreign AND domestic), whether you deserve that protection or not. (And BTW, you don’t.)
We are willing to forgive – but we won’t forget. It’s not that we are as childishly revenge-seeking as the immature idiot you support – it’s just that we have learned that you can’t be trusted. And we will conduct ourselves accordingly because you have left us no other choice.
Your “pResident” promised a healthcare plan that would cover everyone more cheaply and efficiently than Obamacare. So exactly what happened to that coverage? Are you really still waiting for it?
Your “pResident” promised to bring jobs back to the USA – but he still has all of his branded merchandise manufactured in low-wage countries. But don’t take my word for it – just check the made in China label on your MAGA hat.
Your “pResident” promised to populate his administration with “the best people”. Ever wonder why so many of those “best people” have been indicted, fired, or resigned? If he had hired the “best people” when he said he would, why are they being replaced on a weekly basis?
Your “pResident” promised to be “too busy” working for you to have time to play golf. Have you ever wondered why he has so much time on his hands, he has spent almost 25% of his time in office on the links?
Your “pResident” promised to “drain the swamp” of corrupt government officials. So why are so many of his appointees under investigation for everything from colluding with the Russians to using taxpayer dollars to fund personal vacations, extravagant office furnishings, and unnecessary first-class travel?
Your “pResident” promised to wipe-out the national debt while in office. So why is the country further in debt than it’s ever been in history?
Your “pResident” promised to lower taxes for the hard-working middle-class. So why did his “tax reform” give millions of dollars in tax-breaks to the wealthy, while giving a paltry pittance to people like you?
Your “pResident” held himself out as being a “very stable genius”. Have you ever wondered why your genius can’t spell, can’t put a coherent sentence together, and has to be spoon-fed his daily briefings because he doesn’t understand them?
Your “pResident” represented himself as a successful businessman. Are you completely unaware of his multiple bankruptcies, and the fact that he has been sued hundreds of times for failing to pay labourers and material suppliers who worked for him and were cheated out of their due compensation?
You insisted that your “pResident” is a good Christian. Do you think that good Christians mock the disabled, refer to Nazis and white supremacists as “fine people”, and have to pay off porn stars in order to secure their silence about their sexual proclivities?
Your “pResident” swore an oath to defend and protect the country he was elected to serve. So why did he hand over highly-classified information to our enemies, the Russians, in the Oval Office? Why does he insult our traditional allies, while praising Putin at every opportunity? Why was his response to Putin’s claim that he can wipe-out the US – complete with a graphic showing nuclear hits on Florida – a tweet-storm about Alec Baldwin’s SNL performaces?
Your “pResident” represented himself as the champion of downtrodden Americans. So why are our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico still without electricity? Do you really believe that throwing rolls of paper towels at people is demonstrative of caring for our fellow Americans, or that tweeting covfeve is a display of leadership?
Face the facts, Trumpster idiots – you’ve been had – BIGLY! Nothing that was promised has been delivered; nothing you counted on has come to fruition. You have been played as the ultimate suckers – and if you’re too God-damned stupid to recognize that by now, there is no hope for you.
You will continue to wait for your coal-mining jobs to miraculously reappear. You will continue to pray for your Trump-promised jobs to come back. You will continue to believe that a man who has lied to you repeatedly is somehow telling the truth. You will persist in your delusional belief that the man who can’t face the children of Parkland is a fearless leader who would have faced a crazed gunman without hesitation in order to protect them.
You will drown in your own idiocy, your own abject stupidity, your own inability to differentiate between fact and FOX-News propaganda.
Your messiah, the man who you believed would save you from those crazy “libtard ideas” – like access to healthcare, a decent education for your children, freedom from crushing national debt, and a strengthening of international cooperation that would make our country safe – has actually accomplished NOTHING. And yet you believe that any day now, he will deliver on the promises he made to people like you – the people he disdains because they were dumb enough to vote for him in the first place.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you – and you’d better be content with thoughts and prayers, because you won’t be getting anything more from your pussy-grabbing, lying, racist, Putin-loving Messiah anytime soon.
We patriots who love our country don’t hate you – we pity you. We wonder how you were dumb enough to fall for a snake-oil salesman; we are amazed at how easily duped you were. But we decent Americans will continue to protect your rights, protect your freedoms, and protect our nation from all enemies (foreign AND domestic), whether you deserve that protection or not. (And BTW, you don’t.)
We are willing to forgive – but we won’t forget. It’s not that we are as childishly revenge-seeking as the immature idiot you support – it’s just that we have learned that you can’t be trusted. And we will conduct ourselves accordingly because you have left us no other choice.