*Whew* Alive and Well on the Space Station!


Staff member
Computer viruses make it to orbit

A computer virus is alive and well on the International Space Station (ISS).

Nasa has confirmed that laptops carried to the ISS in July were infected with a virus known as Gammima.AG.

The worm was first detected on earth in August 2007 and lurks on infected machines waiting to steal login names for popular online games.

Nasa said it was not the first time computer viruses had travelled into space and it was investigating how the machines were infected.

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I couldn't believe that it got halfway through the story before they said, "The laptops have no security programs against viruses." after they pointedly informed us that they were connected to the internet as they told us that the astronauts use it to send e-mail....

NASA is full of the stupidest and scaredest geeks in history.
What is even scarier than the fact that the laptops on the space station have no virus protection is the fact that NASA just told the world that they have no virus protection.