Which is the better?


Verified User
To live in fear of the tiny chance you may die of COVID or to live in fear of COVID?

The latter seems beyond craven to me.

Life to me seems to be for living and not cowering.

As humans, we are filled with blood and not ichor.
To live in fear of the tiny chance you may die of COVID or to live in fear of COVID?

The latter seems beyond craven to me.

Life to me seems to be for living and not cowering.

As humans, we are filled with blood and not ichor.

If you are living in fear then understand this....you have failed.
To live in fear of the tiny chance you may die of COVID or to live in fear of COVID?

The latter seems beyond craven to me.

Life to me seems to be for living and not cowering.

As humans, we are filled with blood and not ichor.
I say that we should live fearlessly in the face of so small a threat and that mortality is inevitable and we should live our short lives joyfully.
To live in fear of the tiny chance you may die of COVID or to live in fear of COVID?

The latter seems beyond craven to me.

Life to me seems to be for living and not cowering.

As humans, we are filled with blood and not ichor.

what is better, to be afraid of a fucking shot or do what is best for yourself, your family, your friends and country? what a stupid shit dildo you are.
To live in fear of the tiny chance you may die of COVID or to live in fear of COVID?

The latter seems beyond craven to me.

Life to me seems to be for living and not cowering.

As humans, we are filled with blood and not ichor.


Cowering in fear of a shot is a lot better than cowering in fear as they put you on a ventilator, as your last breath on earth leaves your body.
To live in fear of the tiny chance you may die of COVID or to live in fear of COVID?

The latter seems beyond craven to me.

Life to me seems to be for living and not cowering.

As humans, we are filled with blood and not ichor.

False choice. The answer for me is neither. What's your point? Spell it out. Don't be coy.
I haven't done one damn thing differently since Chinese Disease came along, not one damn thing. I go where I want to go. I never wear a mask except when I have to for social reasons and then it's a POS worthless one that I can breathe through (it massively helps that I'm allergic to polyester as that's a perfect excuse to not wear a proffered one). Eventually, when I find the time I'll consider getting a vaccination. It's not high on my "to do" list however.
After all the nasty shit I've been through in my life, Chinese Disease is a fucking joke and obsessing over it is a fucking waste of my goddamned time.
17 in ten thousand deaths from covid in the US. 10 out of ten thousand in the Netherlands. Less than 5 out of ten thousand in the world. If we are fearing this, our priorities are seriously demented.
Remember we are filled with blood not ichor.