Which One Is Hitler?


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When Donald Trump was president, the democrat left and their partnering press were constantly comparing him to Hitler. The comparison is a stupid one, to say the least. But it worked nicely in enlisting the support of the crowd of today’s uneducated people who mostly ‘know’ world history through slanted movies and cartoons. It was in the late 60s-early 70s that the liberal entertainment industry began portraying Hitler as a merely aggressive and mysteriously spiritual character whose leadership was loud and lacking any apology. But as I have reminded my good readers on several occasions, there is very little similarity between Trump and Hitler.

Today’s liberal press/entertainment/propaganda industry portrays Trump and Hitler ideologically as identical twins

In fact it’s easy to see that Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler have essentially nothing in common as leaders. But today’s liberal press/entertainment/propaganda industry portrays them ideologically as identical twins. And today’s mob of tv-mesmerized, bovine-brained leftists have swallowed that whole lie - hook, line and sinker. Nevertheless, from right off the bat, Donald Trump is not a Jew hater or a racist. The left, however, is full of those types. One of the first things Hitler did was take control of the press. How is that working for Donald Trump? We could waste a bunch more space here showing the striking differences between Trump and Hitler. And in so doing, more time will have been wasted distracting us from seeing very precious and time sensitive truths.

One thing history has shown us is that pedestrian, Joe average throngs of clamoring people are quite susceptible to following all sorts of well placed trends. Regardless of who first coined whatever the saying is about a lie being told repetitively, my favorite narrative came from Paul Simon: “... Still a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest” (“The Boxer” Paul Simon, 1968). A genius and good friend of mine, many years ago explained to me that he did indeed believe in ‘conspiracies,’ but that most if not all of the leading ‘conspirators’ have no real knowledge of their actual role in said conspiracies. For instance, I believe there is currently a conspiracy underway to destroy our great nation. But none of the people working so hard to enable that to happen are very much aware of that big picture towards which they are leading us. They (which include many lying politicians and dishonest people of the press) don’t know who their real leader is!

Conspire For a Whole New Kind of Woke
By Dave Merrick
June 24, 2021


Answer to my title Question: BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA II.

This is why comparing Obama to Hitler stands up to scrutiny.


Do not misunderstand me on this. I do not believe that Obama was Hitler reincarnate as some claimed. He had neither the charisma nor the political savvy Hitler was known for. The best that Obama could do was imitate. Even there the imitation was weak-minded. Obama had trouble settling on one group to scapegoat. He tried to scapegoat everyone who disagreed with him. That said, Obama’s agenda showed that he obviously admired Nazi Germany’s form of totalitarian government. If not, why was he following Hitler’s blueprint for total control?​

"The left, however, is full of those types."

That statement is laced with irony.

"He had neither the charisma nor the political savvy Hitler was known for. The best that Obama could do was imitate. Even there the imitation was weak-minded. Obama had trouble settling on one group to scapegoat. He tried to scapegoat everyone who disagreed with him. That said, Obama’s agenda showed that he obviously admired Nazi Germany’s form of totalitarian government. If not, why was he following Hitler’s blueprint for total control?"

The opposite describes Trump to a tee.
When Donald Trump was president, the democrat left and their partnering press were constantly comparing him to Hitler. The comparison is a stupid one, to say the least. But it worked nicely in enlisting the support of the crowd of today’s uneducated people who mostly ‘know’ world history through slanted movies and cartoons. It was in the late 60s-early 70s that the liberal entertainment industry began portraying Hitler as a merely aggressive and mysteriously spiritual character whose leadership was loud and lacking any apology. But as I have reminded my good readers on several occasions, there is very little similarity between Trump and Hitler.

Today’s liberal press/entertainment/propaganda industry portrays Trump and Hitler ideologically as identical twins

In fact it’s easy to see that Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler have essentially nothing in common as leaders. But today’s liberal press/entertainment/propaganda industry portrays them ideologically as identical twins. And today’s mob of tv-mesmerized, bovine-brained leftists have swallowed that whole lie - hook, line and sinker. Nevertheless, from right off the bat, Donald Trump is not a Jew hater or a racist. The left, however, is full of those types. One of the first things Hitler did was take control of the press. How is that working for Donald Trump? We could waste a bunch more space here showing the striking differences between Trump and Hitler. And in so doing, more time will have been wasted distracting us from seeing very precious and time sensitive truths.

One thing history has shown us is that pedestrian, Joe average throngs of clamoring people are quite susceptible to following all sorts of well placed trends. Regardless of who first coined whatever the saying is about a lie being told repetitively, my favorite narrative came from Paul Simon: “... Still a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest” (“The Boxer” Paul Simon, 1968). A genius and good friend of mine, many years ago explained to me that he did indeed believe in ‘conspiracies,’ but that most if not all of the leading ‘conspirators’ have no real knowledge of their actual role in said conspiracies. For instance, I believe there is currently a conspiracy underway to destroy our great nation. But none of the people working so hard to enable that to happen are very much aware of that big picture towards which they are leading us. They (which include many lying politicians and dishonest people of the press) don’t know who their real leader is!

Conspire For a Whole New Kind of Woke
By Dave Merrick
June 24, 2021


Answer to my title Question: BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA II.

This is why comparing Obama to Hitler stands up to scrutiny.


Do not misunderstand me on this. I do not believe that Obama was Hitler reincarnate as some claimed. He had neither the charisma nor the political savvy Hitler was known for. The best that Obama could do was imitate. Even there the imitation was weak-minded. Obama had trouble settling on one group to scapegoat. He tried to scapegoat everyone who disagreed with him. That said, Obama’s agenda showed that he obviously admired Nazi Germany’s form of totalitarian government. If not, why was he following Hitler’s blueprint for total control?​


We will stomp you into the gutter and kick you down into the sewer where you belong

This nation and world don’t want your idiot racist ideas

Your brain is set on permanent stupid evil mode

It’s a society destroying brain disease

Unless you can cure your brain

It’s the sewer for you

I’m lovin’ your posts

Gracias. Here's a bonus post for you. :clink:

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