Which One Is More Left?


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Fox News Viewers: ‘You Can’t Handle The Truth’
By Judi McLeod
July 25, 2020


Tucker guest exposes what made Matt Drudge – ‘now firmly a man of the Left’ – turn so drastically
July 25, 2020
Jon Dougherty


Move the cursor to 36:37



Carlson’s guest, Matthew Lysiak, should do a biography explaining why the Murdoch boys made a hard left as soon as Poppa Bear got out of the way:

Aside from FOX giving every liberal freakazoid as much face time they need to spew Democrat Party talking points, FOX puts the worst of them like Donna Brazile on the payroll. Only God and the Murdoch Boys knew why they pay Leslie Marshall. Whatever the reason is I gotta figure that conservatives ordered to appear on a panel with them are seriously considering looking for another line of work.


If FOX wants to legitimate its pseudo Fairness Doctrine the Murdoch Boys should approve of the filthiest attacks imaginable aimed at liberal douche bags like Leslie Marshall and Donna Brazile. That would be fair.

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty
By Jerry A. Kane
August 10, 2015




FOX executives always enforced their own version of the Fairness Doctrine by supplying more conservative ears to liberal talking points than does the alphabet networks combined.

FOX’s rating are high because liberals also watch FOX, while conservatives do not watch overtly liberal networks. FOX fools a substantial audience into believing it is the voice of conservative values. If you listen closely you will see that FOX’s conservative values always come down on the side of the New World Order’s agenda; big government, global government, the United Nations, and every other policy that true conservatives oppose.


Were it not for the Fairness Doctrine’s last stronghold on FOX, the Democrat Party’s collectivist message would be heard by less than two percent of Americans who take the time to stay informed. I cannot see that number changing because FOX liberals moved up to the top of the pecking order after the Murdoch Boys took over.


This is the best news about television news that conservatives got since Walter Cronkite (1916 – 2009) gave up his personal platform (anchorman for CBS) in 1981:

James Murdoch tendered his resignation from the Board of Directors of News Corporation, the parent company of FOX News.

Rubert Murdoch stepped down as the CEO of FOX in June 2011 and handed the reins over to his son James.

James Murdoch’s wife Kathryn Murdoch is an outspoken leftist who works for the Clinton Climate Initiative.

The resignation went into effect today.

Leftie James Murdoch Resigns from News Corporation, the Parent Company of FOX News Over “Differences in Editorial Content”
By Jim Hoft
Published July 31, 2020 at 5:10pm


Dare conservatives dream that FOX will fire all those Socialist liberals posing as journalists? Start with:

. . . liberal douche bags like Leslie Marshall and Donna Brazile.
Why Does Fox News Allow Donna Brazile To Make a Joke of Them?
By Judi McLeod
August 26, 2020


The answer is easy:

If FOX wants to legitimate its pseudo Fairness Doctrine the Murdoch Boys should approve of the filthiest attacks imaginable aimed at liberal douche bags like Leslie Marshall and Donna Brazile. That would be fair.

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty
By Jerry A. Kane
August 10, 2015


Tucker guest exposes what made Matt Drudge – ‘now firmly a man of the Left’ – turn so drastically​

This article is lengthy but worth reading if you are interested in learning a little more about advertising on social media:

Matt Drudge Logs Off
The Drudge Report has become a conformist shadow of its formerly bratty, oppositional self. Why?
by Armin Rosen
November 24, 2020


As informative as Rosen’s piece is, I was left with two questions:

1. Is the cost associated with advertising on the Net tax deductible?

2. Did Drudge return to his conservative roots in his own mind because he got sick of living with tax deductible advertising dollars paying for everything he opposes?

One final observation.

Congress, and traditional government media, have a noticeable vested interest in creating Big Tech multi-billionaires with tax dollars.