Which poster most resembles this guy

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
Fan spares no expense to support bad team

Clipper Darrell's $12,000 custom car is just the tip of the iceberg
By Trey Kerby

You know Clipper Darrell. Sure you do. He's been to 385 straight Los Angeles Clippers home games, by far more than anyone on the roster of L.A.'s other team. Every game, he's the one in the shiny red and blue suit, leading cheers and generally being the happiest guy to ever attend a Clippers game. He's the guy that organized the LeBron James parade from a few weeks back. Sorry, Billy Crystal, but Clipper Darrell is the Clippers' biggest celebrity fan, even if he's only famous for being a Clippers fan.

So yeah, you know who he is. But you don't really know him. And trust me, you have no idea how much it costs to be the Clippers' No. 1 fan. Hint: a lot.
