Which should be the Default Skin?

Which skin should be the default?

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Staff member
There are currently 7 skins available to the members of the board.

Which of them do you think should be the default skin that visitors and spiders see when they visit the board?

Current setting as Default: Constitutional.
i think simpler is better for a default theme. It might look too busy to newcomers and put them off.
of which nearly 50% are brown O_O.
Yeah, but it hurts nothing to keep them there. Later if I find people aren't using some of them (that blue one for example) I'll delete them. But all they are are css files...

I just want to know what the best selection for "default" is. I'm torn between "Visions Dark" and "Constitutional". And some people might like the black one best. :dunno:
look to google as an example. it's simple, but if you want to customize it they have tons of skins. You can't go wrong with a simple clean style.
I think that this one is very nice, but it is so wide. I am having a hard time getting my eyes to adjust to this.