inquiring minds barely give a shit
Phhhhlllllbbbttt to rankings. Baseball is the best team sport in the world!! Tell them George!!
Sorry, but that spot is reserved for hockey. Baseball is fun to watch in person, but on TV its incredibly boring. Nothing can beat the pace the hockey sets.
figure skaters with pads
Yeah, no pads in football. Pussy.
Nor are ther 250lbs men crashing into each other at 25 mph. And yet they have thicker pads, and heaven forbid one of them throws a punch.yeah, but there are no figure skaters in football.
Nor are ther 250lbs men crashing into each other at 25 mph. And yet they have thicker pads, and heaven forbid one of them throws a punch.
yes, we have all seen the little slap fights in hockey... quite amusing.
as for 250lb'ers... lmao... on average the players are around 6' tall and 200 pounds. (ie... smaller than NFL receivers) There might... might... might be a handful that are in the 250 range.
Oh....I know what the problem is. Your from CO. No wonder. You have the 2nd worst hockey team in history (Ohio takes 1st). No wonder you hate it, I would too if the Avalanche were my team.