Whit House tennis anyone?

How is a private tennis court a good work for the community? These people live in different worlds. Melania caught rich person's disease. There is no vaccine for that either.
OK you go play on their tennis courts and see how long you will be in jail.Yes much of it is private.

The response you answered shows just how delusional "trumpanzees" are. Hopefully, PMP isn't actually dumb enough to think that he could use the WH tennis courts? Geez, the stupidity of tRump supporters continues to amaze me.

The First Lady's response to criticism is simply comical. She rebutted as though she is working on a "community project " of sorts. It will be interesting to see if she is around long enough to use it......)
Read the article....Wash your hands and relax...
You're very welcome;)
The response you answered shows just how delusional "trumpanzees" are. Hopefully, PMP isn't actually dumb enough to think that he could use the WH tennis courts? Geez, the stupidity of tRump supporters continues to amaze me.

but apparently you are stupid enough to think you have a valid argument.......Trump is a tenant in our property.......his lease expires in 2024......
I am sure it is available to anyone who works there as are all parts of the WH except the residential floor.....

Because it might be open to WH employees makes it neither a PUBLIC or COMMUNITY tennis court.

You can continue to try and "cleanup " her misspeak if you want. It is amusing to read ....lol
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