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If you are a White (European) American and you have not yet realised,- just by looking around -, that White, Anglo-Protestant culture is superior, then you are a very stupid or a very ignorant or a very deluded person. This might be the result of your having a relatively low IQ (e.g. 80 points or so) or a consequence of being afflicted with some kind of psychiatric disorder, like a psychosis or dementia. In either case there is usually little that can be done to successfully remediate your state of mind. So, this post is addressed only to White (European) Americans of at least average IQ ( which is about 100 points) and who are not diagnosed with any kind of serious cognitive mental illness.
The first thing I would like to point out is that your country is going down the gurgler at an alarming rate, and a large part of the reason for this is mass immigration from the Third World, in particular from Latin America (Hispanics are the greatest concern here). The problem of legal and illegal, Arab-Muslim, African immigration and Hispanic began in 1965 when Lyndon Banes Johnson signed the insane "Naturalisation and Immigration Act" of 1965. This legislation effectively opened America's borders to all those wishing to flee the Third World and enjoy the benefits of life in advanced, industrialised and civilised American society. The other part of the problem is the legacy of slavery. Abraham Lincoln fought the bloody American Civil War to emancipate Negro slaves, BUT, when the Union Army defeated the Confederacy (he was always confident this would be the outcome), Lincoln's policy was to deport ALL former slaves and other African Negros from the United States. His belief was that White and Black Americans could never live together harmoniously in society. If the liberated slaves and other Black Africans were not deported from America directly, he foresaw a future of endless and conflict and strife between the two racial/ethnic groups in the US. History vindicates Lincoln's insight. To date, the African-American population of America have caused nothing but trouble and grief for the native White population and for successive US governments. Unfortunately, when Lincoln had effectively won the Civil War, he was shot by an assassin, John Wilkes Booth, on April 14th 1865, and never had the opportunity to implement his policy of Black - African deportation.
Things started to go bad for the American nation in the mid-1960s, that's when LBJ sowed the seeds of disaster with his feel-good, socialist government programs collectively known as "The Great Society" ("The Great Society" was a total failure, BTW, and people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and the other 100 or so other members of the Democrat's Congressional Progressive Caucus, CPC, still refuse to learn the lesson).Bob Dylan summed up LBJ's "New Society" mission nicely : "There's no success like a failure, and a failure's no success at all". At that time America's population was 85% White European and to me the US seemed to be the most wonderful place. I must tell you that I was born in the USA, but grew up in Australia after my father's company transferred him to the Sydney branch of the business. When I was a child in Australia a large amount of our television entertainment was imported from American, and every afternoon after school I used to watch "The Brady Bunch." I thought to myself that the Brady's were an ideal family - that this is how family life is supposed to be: Mum and Dad are happily married and good parents, Dad goes to work everyday to earn the money his family needs, Mum stays at home to keep the household in order, the six kids are mostly happy and well-adjusted, they don't do drugs or engage in any antisocial behaviour, they are not politicised by crazy Leftist movements like modern-day Social Justice Warrior, etc; they strive to do well at school and do their set homework each night, they have fun doing healthy things like camping with their parents. I figured that "The Brady Bunch" was a reasonably accurate portrayal of America's White middle-class in the later half of the 1960's.
The "Brady Bunch" were descendants of the first Americans, those men and women who declared independence, then fought and won a Revolutionary War against the British Crown. These Americans were White ,Anglo-European, Protestants. Beginning in the 17th century they arrived on the North American continent bringing with them an Anglo-Protestant culture that had given, and would continue to give - both their own new Republic and Western civilisation in general - the benefits of: science; technology; electricity; medicine; computers; the internet; mass literacy; personal freedom; liberal/Constitutional democracy, a Bill of Rights, the "Rule of Law" a free-market/capitalist economic system and so on.
Unfortunately, today, in the 21st century progressive/socialist racists in the US utterly reject traditional White Anglo-Protestant American culture. As a narrow elite they disdain, in particular, the White American working class, those very people who are the true heart of native America's Anglo-Protestant culture.
White American Anglo-Protestant culture is all about VALUES - the values that America's Black and Hispanic ethnic enclaves choose to disparage and reject: hard work; education;self-reliance; individualism; self-control; prudent/deliberative, self-regulation; patriotism and respect for legitimate authority. Most believe in God, but leave how one see God to the individual.
I have no problem with Black African or Hispanic/Latino culture provided they are not forced down my throat. I would not choose to live in Black-majority American cities like Detroit, Baltimore or Birmingham , for example, because they are abject failures were poverty, unemployment, welfare dependency, homelessness, drug abuse violent crime (murder, aggravated assault, rape) and property crime, urban decay and urban blight, HIV/AIDS etc; are endemic. Nor would I choose to live in any of the many Hispanic (Mexican) majority cities in states like California and Texas where exactly the same kind of Third World social problems prevail, problems that these Hispanic immigrants (millions of them illegal aliens) SHOULD have left behind.
The general attitude of Black African Americans (who are mostly the descendants of Negro slaves) and Hispanic (mainly Mexican) immigrants (legal and illegal, no one knows, BTW, exactly how many Mexican illegal aliens are in the US at present though there are literally millions of them) to work, school, marriage, drugs, crime, unemployment, welfare entitlement, good manners, etc; are not only non-White European American, but positively antithetical to it. They have a collectivist mindset that is readily exploited by the political left's agents of envy, ressentiment and discord. Illegal aliens are best described as undocumented Democrats !
Thus White, Anglo-European, Protestant, American culture is objectively superior to that of Third World's "banana republics" and the proof is the computer you are using to read this post, along with the well-stocked grocery stores you enjoy and nifty SUV you drive. Otherwise, go cook your food by burning cow dung while your wife and daughters get raped by "people of colour" from the neighbouring tribe. They all want to come to America and the other Western Anglo-sphere nations to enjoy what advanced, industrial, civilised societies have to offer, but demand that Western European American society be made subservient to their own failed cultures. What a bloody cheek !
If you DARE say this, however, in the current politically correct climate that has clenched every White American "by the balls (metaphorically speaking), you will be denounced as a racist - an evil person. Then you will be told that Whites are to blame for these failures and that they are automatic victims who are entitled to what everyone else has, and that crime and lawlessness are their legitimate civil right. Not any more. Please spare me the colonialist BS. Many of today's "banana republics" were better off under European colonial rule. Don't believe me ? OK, get yourself on a plane and relocate yourself and family to the Marxist Republic of South Africa, or the socialist Black African S**T-Hole called Zimbabwe or maybe Mexico or one of the Arab-Muslim states in the Middle-East - how About Iran ? They all specialise in barbarism, violent crime (especially murder and rape), dire poverty, Government corruption and oppression, electricity outages, "mud-hut" housing, rampant sickness/disease, failing economies, and so on - enjoy yourself !
Finally, before anyone starts to play the race card (go ahead, make my day !) my position is that everyone deserves just (not equal) and appropriate treatment at all times and all places. There is no right not to be offended, nor is anyone entitled to be accepted by others. Affirmative Action is simply reverse racism and the various other demands for special "rights" and privileges by racial/ethnic groups like Hispanics and Blacks in America undermines the rule of law.
One should be judged only on their individual character and merit, not their racial/ethnic group identity nor their social class.
The first thing I would like to point out is that your country is going down the gurgler at an alarming rate, and a large part of the reason for this is mass immigration from the Third World, in particular from Latin America (Hispanics are the greatest concern here). The problem of legal and illegal, Arab-Muslim, African immigration and Hispanic began in 1965 when Lyndon Banes Johnson signed the insane "Naturalisation and Immigration Act" of 1965. This legislation effectively opened America's borders to all those wishing to flee the Third World and enjoy the benefits of life in advanced, industrialised and civilised American society. The other part of the problem is the legacy of slavery. Abraham Lincoln fought the bloody American Civil War to emancipate Negro slaves, BUT, when the Union Army defeated the Confederacy (he was always confident this would be the outcome), Lincoln's policy was to deport ALL former slaves and other African Negros from the United States. His belief was that White and Black Americans could never live together harmoniously in society. If the liberated slaves and other Black Africans were not deported from America directly, he foresaw a future of endless and conflict and strife between the two racial/ethnic groups in the US. History vindicates Lincoln's insight. To date, the African-American population of America have caused nothing but trouble and grief for the native White population and for successive US governments. Unfortunately, when Lincoln had effectively won the Civil War, he was shot by an assassin, John Wilkes Booth, on April 14th 1865, and never had the opportunity to implement his policy of Black - African deportation.
Things started to go bad for the American nation in the mid-1960s, that's when LBJ sowed the seeds of disaster with his feel-good, socialist government programs collectively known as "The Great Society" ("The Great Society" was a total failure, BTW, and people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and the other 100 or so other members of the Democrat's Congressional Progressive Caucus, CPC, still refuse to learn the lesson).Bob Dylan summed up LBJ's "New Society" mission nicely : "There's no success like a failure, and a failure's no success at all". At that time America's population was 85% White European and to me the US seemed to be the most wonderful place. I must tell you that I was born in the USA, but grew up in Australia after my father's company transferred him to the Sydney branch of the business. When I was a child in Australia a large amount of our television entertainment was imported from American, and every afternoon after school I used to watch "The Brady Bunch." I thought to myself that the Brady's were an ideal family - that this is how family life is supposed to be: Mum and Dad are happily married and good parents, Dad goes to work everyday to earn the money his family needs, Mum stays at home to keep the household in order, the six kids are mostly happy and well-adjusted, they don't do drugs or engage in any antisocial behaviour, they are not politicised by crazy Leftist movements like modern-day Social Justice Warrior, etc; they strive to do well at school and do their set homework each night, they have fun doing healthy things like camping with their parents. I figured that "The Brady Bunch" was a reasonably accurate portrayal of America's White middle-class in the later half of the 1960's.
The "Brady Bunch" were descendants of the first Americans, those men and women who declared independence, then fought and won a Revolutionary War against the British Crown. These Americans were White ,Anglo-European, Protestants. Beginning in the 17th century they arrived on the North American continent bringing with them an Anglo-Protestant culture that had given, and would continue to give - both their own new Republic and Western civilisation in general - the benefits of: science; technology; electricity; medicine; computers; the internet; mass literacy; personal freedom; liberal/Constitutional democracy, a Bill of Rights, the "Rule of Law" a free-market/capitalist economic system and so on.
Unfortunately, today, in the 21st century progressive/socialist racists in the US utterly reject traditional White Anglo-Protestant American culture. As a narrow elite they disdain, in particular, the White American working class, those very people who are the true heart of native America's Anglo-Protestant culture.
White American Anglo-Protestant culture is all about VALUES - the values that America's Black and Hispanic ethnic enclaves choose to disparage and reject: hard work; education;self-reliance; individualism; self-control; prudent/deliberative, self-regulation; patriotism and respect for legitimate authority. Most believe in God, but leave how one see God to the individual.
I have no problem with Black African or Hispanic/Latino culture provided they are not forced down my throat. I would not choose to live in Black-majority American cities like Detroit, Baltimore or Birmingham , for example, because they are abject failures were poverty, unemployment, welfare dependency, homelessness, drug abuse violent crime (murder, aggravated assault, rape) and property crime, urban decay and urban blight, HIV/AIDS etc; are endemic. Nor would I choose to live in any of the many Hispanic (Mexican) majority cities in states like California and Texas where exactly the same kind of Third World social problems prevail, problems that these Hispanic immigrants (millions of them illegal aliens) SHOULD have left behind.
The general attitude of Black African Americans (who are mostly the descendants of Negro slaves) and Hispanic (mainly Mexican) immigrants (legal and illegal, no one knows, BTW, exactly how many Mexican illegal aliens are in the US at present though there are literally millions of them) to work, school, marriage, drugs, crime, unemployment, welfare entitlement, good manners, etc; are not only non-White European American, but positively antithetical to it. They have a collectivist mindset that is readily exploited by the political left's agents of envy, ressentiment and discord. Illegal aliens are best described as undocumented Democrats !
Thus White, Anglo-European, Protestant, American culture is objectively superior to that of Third World's "banana republics" and the proof is the computer you are using to read this post, along with the well-stocked grocery stores you enjoy and nifty SUV you drive. Otherwise, go cook your food by burning cow dung while your wife and daughters get raped by "people of colour" from the neighbouring tribe. They all want to come to America and the other Western Anglo-sphere nations to enjoy what advanced, industrial, civilised societies have to offer, but demand that Western European American society be made subservient to their own failed cultures. What a bloody cheek !
If you DARE say this, however, in the current politically correct climate that has clenched every White American "by the balls (metaphorically speaking), you will be denounced as a racist - an evil person. Then you will be told that Whites are to blame for these failures and that they are automatic victims who are entitled to what everyone else has, and that crime and lawlessness are their legitimate civil right. Not any more. Please spare me the colonialist BS. Many of today's "banana republics" were better off under European colonial rule. Don't believe me ? OK, get yourself on a plane and relocate yourself and family to the Marxist Republic of South Africa, or the socialist Black African S**T-Hole called Zimbabwe or maybe Mexico or one of the Arab-Muslim states in the Middle-East - how About Iran ? They all specialise in barbarism, violent crime (especially murder and rape), dire poverty, Government corruption and oppression, electricity outages, "mud-hut" housing, rampant sickness/disease, failing economies, and so on - enjoy yourself !
Finally, before anyone starts to play the race card (go ahead, make my day !) my position is that everyone deserves just (not equal) and appropriate treatment at all times and all places. There is no right not to be offended, nor is anyone entitled to be accepted by others. Affirmative Action is simply reverse racism and the various other demands for special "rights" and privileges by racial/ethnic groups like Hispanics and Blacks in America undermines the rule of law.
One should be judged only on their individual character and merit, not their racial/ethnic group identity nor their social class.
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