White and youth population losses contributed most to the nation’s growth slowdown

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Now, newly released Census Bureau estimates allow us to examine these shifts via specific race-ethnic and age groups. Unlike the 2020 census data, these estimates permit analyses of annual population change.

This report focuses on annual changes from July 2016 to July 2017 through July 2020 to July 2021. This period includes three years prior to the pandemic, one year with partial pandemic exposure (2019 to 2020), and one year with full pandemic exposure (2020 to 2021). This allows for an assessment of race-ethnic and age shifts before and during the pandemic.


While it is true that each of the other race-ethnic groups grew more slowly in 2020-21 , white population loss contributed most. Moreover, it continued a trend, now five years running, of white population loss across the nation as a whole.

When examining the prime demographic components of the nation’s growth slowdown , it is clear the large negative natural increase (more deaths than births) is what propelled the white population loss in 2020-21. In the year before the pandemic (2018-19), white natural increase was -289,849. This dropped further in 2020-21, to -906,427, due to substantially more deaths and fewer births.
