White Christian nationalism and the "Lost Cause" myth

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
For some Republicans, Inauguration Day did not bring the joyful deliverance experienced by Democrats or even simple disappointment. Rather, it opened a new chapter in the long history of white Christian nationalism and perhaps the beginning of a new Lost Cause myth — a very worrisome development for the future of American democracy.

The basic storyline of white Christian nationalism is simple, and you've assuredly heard it before: America was founded as a Christian nation by (white) Christians based on "biblical" (meaning "Protestant") principles. America's white, Christian heritage is, adherents claim, the source of America's power and prosperity — both of which they believe are threatened by the increasing number of nonwhites, non-Christians and noncitizens on American soil.

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