Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Dominionist Theology (aka dominionism) is political but based in Christian fundamentalism. It asserts that Christians should seek to “dominate the world in the name of establishing the Kingdom of God,” as Emily Swan, co-author of “Solus Jesus: A Theology of Resistance,” and co-pastor of Blue Ocean Faith Ann Arbor, wrote for the publication Medium in 2019. Swan continued, “Seven mountains [a tenant of dominionism] refers to the thinking that seven major areas of human life need such Christian influence: education, religion, family, business, government/military, arts/entertainment, and media.”
This incredibly dangerous worldview was on full display on Jan. 6 when approximately 800 domestic terrorist insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol building and wreaked absolute havoc. In the raucous crowd both in and outside of the Capitol were posters and banners about Jesus and Christian faith, a crucifix, and even those trying to emulate the biblical story of the fall of the wall of Jericho. White Christian nationalism, which goes hand-in-hand with White supremacy and neo-confederate and neo-Nazi ideology, is a threat to our government and society.
This incredibly dangerous worldview was on full display on Jan. 6 when approximately 800 domestic terrorist insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol building and wreaked absolute havoc. In the raucous crowd both in and outside of the Capitol were posters and banners about Jesus and Christian faith, a crucifix, and even those trying to emulate the biblical story of the fall of the wall of Jericho. White Christian nationalism, which goes hand-in-hand with White supremacy and neo-confederate and neo-Nazi ideology, is a threat to our government and society.