White Doll-Black Doll.


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Remember The White Doll-Black Doll Experiment?

Some years ago a group of child psychologists performed that well known experiment commonly referred to as ,the white doll,black doll,experiment.

They started by installing in a typical american classroom [ early grade school level] 32 dolls ;all of equal
value ,all the same size, and all dressed exactly the same . All 32 dolls of infants were divided equally in number and equally displayed , with 16 white dolls on one side and sixteen black infant dolls on the other.

The color and race of the dolls being the ONLY difference.

After the dolls were set up ,some 20-30 black students ,all very young girls ,entered the classroom and were told they could go to the front of the room and pick out whatever doll they wished to play with or take home with them.

Almost all of them chose the white dolls . The one or two that picked up the black dolls at first quickly put them down ,and went over to the side of the display that contained the white baby dolls ,and also picked them to play with.

This experiment peeked my interest in studying the aesthetic differences that are perceived by blacks toward white race folk.

And trying to explain why whites are perceived as being nicer looking.

it reminded me of welfare workers in mississippi ,counselling young black females who were promiscous, and being told that they hope to have sex with a white boy ,in order to have a white baby someday, or some said a light skin baby.

When the welfare worker asked why ,the black teenager responded ,saying black babies are ugly to look at and defecate too much.

Go figure!
Remember The White Doll-Black Doll Experiment?

Some years ago a group of child psychologists performed that well known experiment commonly referred to as ,the white doll,black doll,experiment.

They started by installing in a typical american classroom [ early grade school level] 32 dolls ;all of equal
value ,all the same size, and all dressed exactly the same . All 32 dolls of infants were divided equally in number and equally displayed , with 16 white dolls on one side and sixteen black infant dolls on the other.

The color and race of the dolls being the ONLY difference.

After the dolls were set up ,some 20-30 black students ,all very young girls ,entered the classroom and were told they could go to the front of the room and pick out whatever doll they wished to play with or take home with them.

Almost all of them chose the white dolls . The one or two that picked up the black dolls at first quickly put them down ,and went over to the side of the display that contained the white baby dolls ,and also picked them to play with.

This experiment peeked my interest in studying the aesthetic differences that are perceived by blacks toward white race folk.

And trying to explain why whites are perceived as being nicer looking.

it reminded me of welfare workers in mississippi ,counselling young black females who were promiscous, and being told that they hope to have sex with a white boy ,in order to have a white baby someday, or some said a light skin baby.

When the welfare worker asked why ,the black teenager responded ,saying black babies are ugly to look at and defecate too much.

Go figure!

And where do we learn what beauty is? Magazines, tv, or movies? And until very recently, how many blacks were shown as beautiful?
And where do we learn what beauty is? Magazines, tv, or movies? And until very recently, how many blacks were shown as beautiful?

Are you kidding ? Blacks are sadly very aesthetically challenged people . that's why they single out white women to rape.
Are you kidding ? Blacks are sadly very aesthetically challenged people . that's why they single out white women to rape.

In addition to being a bullshit statement, I doubt you are "sad" at all.
I'm really a people person. I look at all races through the lens of an anthropologist. Blacks are some of my favorite subjects.

I have no doubt they are your favorite subjects. But you look at them thru the lens of a racist. The insistence that blacks are "aesthetically challenged" is proof. Beauty is very subjective. What is beautiful to one is not so attractive to another. In the past blacks were portrayed as unattractive and unintelligent, even as inferior. Those ideas have been dispelled, except for the very few racists like you.

To base your claim of the attractiveness of an entire race on the behavior of 32 children, without taking into account the societal influences, is pure nonsense.

I don't even think you believe the shit you spout. You are a troll, pure and simple. But its a slow week here.
Wolfspinne is just another willfully ignorant David Duke wanna-be who just wants people to respond to him so he can spew his hate. Old Wolfy is just too dumb and/or dishonest to acknowledge that the doll experiment (with a pre-SCOTUS Justice Marshall involved) was used to demonstrate to the world how the American media reflected the congenital racism in the society, and how that message affected black children.

Wolfspinne will just continue to make racist, bigoted statements while avoiding challenges to validate his assertions and claims. Cornered, Wolfy will just spew his supposition and conjecture as a substitute for valid, documented facts and the logic derived from such. Such is mindset of the moronic white supremacist....cowards who lie and avoid facts that contradict their pointy hooded blatherings.
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Wolfspinne is just another willfully ignorant David Duke wanna-be who just wants people to respond to him so he can spew his hate. Old Wolfy is just too dumb and/or dishonest to acknowledge that the doll experiment (with a pre-SCOTUS Justice Marshall involved) was used to demonstrate to the world how the American media reflected the congenital racism in the society, and how that message affected black children.

Wolfspinne will just continue to make racist, bigoted statements while avoiding challenges to validate his assertions and claims. Cornered, Wolfy will just spew his supposition and conjecture as a substitute for valid, documented facts and the logic derived from such. Such is mindset of the moronic white supremacist....cowards who lie and avoid facts that contradict their pointy hooded blatherings.

you are hysterical, stifle ,stifle.edith!

Thanks for proving my point, my bluff and bluster sheet wearing Wolf! Carry on! ;)
I'm really a people person. I look at all races through the lens of an anthropologist. Blacks are some of my favorite subjects.

Still waiting for you to post your 'solution' to this terrible problem. Back to Allah-bama, gas chambers, forced sterilisation? And who would you NOT include in your services to mankind?
I dated a black girl for awhile. Sexy as hell, and a demon in the sack.

Methinks the spineless wolf once fancied a woman of African decent himself, but was rejected and has been bitter ever since.
Only a queer wouldn't hit this. Just sayin'.
