White House Backs High School Classes That Teach Racial Discrimination And Animosity


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Democrats want to divide this country with their racist CRT teachings. DeSantis wants to stop that in Florida


The White House made a target of Gov. Ron DeSantis again after his administration rejected a proposal to teach critical race theory in Florida high schools. On Sunday, Vice President Kamala Harris said, “Unfortunately, in Florida, extremist so-called leaders ban books, block history classes, and prevent teachers from freely discussing who they are and who they love. Anyone who bans teaching American history has no right to shape America’s future.”

On Friday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed blocking the College Board’s Advanced Placement African-American history class “is incomprehensible. … If you think about the study of black Americans, that is what he [DeSantis] wants to block.”

In response, DeSantis Press Secretary Bryan Griffin noted that Florida public schools are required by law to teach African-American history as part of U.S. history. What Florida has banned, he pointed out, is teaching African-American history through a Marxist lens that pits racial groups against each other and assigns moral value to people’s God-given skin color.

New documents from the College Board class Florida rejected were published Monday by Ethics and Public Policy Center scholar Stanley Kurtz. They reinforce DeSantis’ argument, showing the AP African-American studies class is egregiously biased toward the extremist political left. It is written in such a way as to preach the racial division of critical race theory rather than enlighten students with the complex actual histories of African Americans.

In fact, as Kurtz writes:

Overwhelmingly, [the College Board class] APAAS’s approach is from the socialist Left, with very little in the way of even conventional liberal perspectives represented, not to mention conservative views. Most of the topics in the final quarter present controversial leftist authors as if their views were authoritative, with no critical or contrasting perspectives supplied. The scarcely disguised goal is to recruit students to various leftist political causes.
Kurtz obtained a teacher manual for the class that backs up these assertions. The draft teacher manual for this class Harris and Jean-Pierre described as “American history,” Kurtz says, includes a major section on Black Lives Matter, the massive Democrat-benefitting and riot-enabling activism organization started by two self-described Marxists.
The party that supports flying the KKK flag in front of schools is claiming the other party is trying to divide America?
The party that supports flying the KKK flag in front of schools is claiming the other party is trying to divide America?

The democrats hate started the KKK. The cdemocrats have always been the racist party and always will be
That's it. I'm sick of free speech on JPP.

Time to block anybody to the right of Bernie Sanders.

We're desperate for some intelligent discussion around here.
The democrats hate started the KKK. The cdemocrats have always been the racist party and always will be

That ended long ago. The racists moved to the Repubs when LBJ, a Dem, passed the Civil Rights Act. It was their real home anyway. They are a perfect fit for the Reds like DeSantis. It is amazing how little you know. Trump's dad marched in a KKK rally down 5th avenue in the 1920s.
Democrats want to divide this country with their racist CRT teachings. DeSantis wants to stop that in Florida


Critical race theory forced upon the public is evidence supporting white replacement theory as really happening. So does open borders while they force the green energy death trap (unreliable solar and turbine so power goes out like in Germany) to also take your jobs in the energy sector so you can't afford to pay rent or pay your mortgage while also spending like crazy to raise inflation so you can't afford to survive and get replaced by illegals.
Start your race war evil fuck

See how quick you get dead

That's exactly what democrats do, start a race war as well then try and blame everyone else for their sick behavior and you are prime example. Critical race theory forced upon the public is evidence supporting white replacement theory as really happening. So does open borders while they force the green energy death trap (unreliable solar and turbine so power goes out like in Germany) to also take your jobs in the energy sector so you can't afford to pay rent or pay your mortgage while also spending like crazy to raise inflation so you can't afford to survive and get replaced by illegals. If you are a black citizen and this happens to you, you are just a casualty of war to be replaced as well by illegal invaders.
That's exactly what democrats do, start a race war as well then try and blame everyone else for their sick behavior and you are prime example. Critical race theory forced upon the public is evidence supporting white replacement theory as really happening. So does open borders while they force the green energy death trap (unreliable solar and turbine so power goes out like in Germany) to also take your jobs in the energy sector so you can't afford to pay rent or pay your mortgage while also spending like crazy to raise inflation so you can't afford to survive and get replaced by illegals. If you are a black citizen and this happens to you, you are just a casualty of war to be replaced as well by illegal invaders.

Start your race war

You will get dead
Critical race theory forced upon the public is evidence supporting white replacement theory as really happening. So does open borders while they force the green energy death trap (unreliable solar and turbine so power goes out like in Germany) to also take your jobs in the energy sector so you can't afford to pay rent or pay your mortgage while also spending like crazy to raise inflation so you can't afford to survive and get replaced by illegals.

Texas the oil state fails its people and even kills children with their right wing designed power grid idiot
Make no mistake you shit bag racists

Your shit will not survive

Your ranks are small as well as rank

If you try to get violent you will get dead

The world hates racists
Start your race war

You will get dead

Those who support critical race theory is proof that those who support critical race theory start the so called race war if anything.

Texas the oil state fails its people and even kills children with their right wing designed power grid idiot

Ah you crumble as you desperately scramble to try and make anything else the issue.

Make no mistake you shit bag racists

Your shit will not survive

Your ranks are small as well as rank

If you try to get violent you will get dead

The world hates racists

I am not racist but you are eager to lie about me to try and hide you have no validity as you yourself so eagerly demonstrates. When I shit, I flush it down the toilet but I gather you keep yours and try to nurture it, maybe trying CPR etc. I rule but I only seek to guide. I am not an advocate of violence. Again what does your claim of the world hating racists have to do with me, I am not racist. Much of the world is sick of compulsive obsessive liars like you.
The premise that reading about what we have done to blacks makes us want to do it again only applies to rightys. We leftys know that those who practiced slavery are long gone. They are part of history, our history. It does not make us angry or aggressive. CRT is real education. Our institutions were discriminatory. They still are. Jim Crow really happened. If we learn about what we did and who we were, perhaps we would not do it again. CRT is no threat.
The premise that reading about what we have done to blacks makes us want to do it again only applies to rightys. We leftys know that those who practiced slavery are long gone. They are part of history, our history. It does not make us angry or aggressive. CRT is real education. Our institutions were discriminatory. They still are. Jim Crow really happened. If we learn about what we did and who we were, perhaps we would not do it again. CRT is no threat.

How does reading about what people have done to blacks be the inspiration to do it again? How does your vacant un backed claim only apply to righty's (of which I am not a righty fyi) CRT forced upon the public proves white replacement theory as not so much theory at all and you claim such is not a threat. Go figure.
That ended long ago. The racists moved to the Repubs when LBJ, a Dem, passed the Civil Rights Act. It was their real home anyway. They are a perfect fit for the Reds like DeSantis. It is amazing how little you know. Trump's dad marched in a KKK rally down 5th avenue in the 1920s.

LBJ was a racist and destroyed the Black family unit to keep Blacks on the Ghetto plantation where they could be controlled to vote for democrats
Critical race theory forced upon the public is evidence supporting white replacement theory as really happening. So does open borders while they force the green energy death trap (unreliable solar and turbine so power goes out like in Germany) to also take your jobs in the energy sector so you can't afford to pay rent or pay your mortgage while also spending like crazy to raise inflation so you can't afford to survive and get replaced by illegals.

CRT is teaching that our institutions have been set up to cut opportunities for minorities. Anyone with firing neurons would understand that. CRT also tries to suggest ways to make things fairer and more even. They teach about how discrimination worked and still works, so institutions can be repaired. They teach the fact that blacks get longer sentences for the same crimes. That is a demonstrable fact.
The way we mistreated blacks during and since slavery is easy to prove. Jim Crow is a great example. Lynching and burning down black successes are also easy to prove.
That ended long ago. The racists moved to the Repubs when LBJ, a Dem, passed the Civil Rights Act. It was their real home anyway. They are a perfect fit for the Reds like DeSantis. It is amazing how little you know. Trump's dad marched in a KKK rally down 5th avenue in the 1920s.

You do not know your history. Humphrey went to GOP Dirksen to get it passed since Byrd and others were filibustering the bill. A larger perecent of GOP voted for it than democrats. Democrats have always voted against rights for Blacks. the democrats voted against the 13 th and 14th and 15th and 19th amendments