White House Panel Advises Against Mindless Mantra of 'Staying The Course'


Atheist Missionary
High-level White House advisers are said to be ready to call for a major change in Washington's policy on Iraq.
Members of the panel, which is led by former US Secretary of State James Baker, told the LA Times the shift could include large troop withdrawals.

A senior US official reaffirmed Washington's support for Iraq's leaders but said they must increasingly assume responsibility for security.

The Iraq situation is a key issue in November's US mid-term elections.

"There's got to be another way," is how one member of the Iraq panel summed up their views on the situation in Iraq and the failure of current US policy, according to the LA Times.

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Mr Baker's commission, which is due to report in the next few months, is set to recommend significant change, and will advise against "staying the course".


Blair and Bush's policy in Iraq is a total failure. This is brought to you by a White House commission and the senior General in the British Army.

Oh yeah, and the sane amongst us have been saying it for years!
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The repubs will make some move before the 2008 election. If not they lose all, and might anyway. So I wonder what will be the next stupid thing they do ? they seem to be exceeding competent and doing incompetent stuff.
We'll find out... This one appears more to be an election cycle trial balloon than something that is probably actually happening. I just don't trust this Admin to adjust.
"Stay the course" is a term the Dems picked up on way back, and have continued to pound Bush over the head with. When he used the phrase, it was in context of countering the less desirable option of "panic and do something else!"

As Bush himself has said, "stay the course" makes it sound as if you just arrogantly keep doing what isn't working, and that is not his position on Iraq.
Dixie now trying to blame the "stay the course" mantra on Demoncrats ???
Amazing simply amazing.....
the physics prize goes to dixie for his quantum leap in stupidity.
Dixie now trying to blame the "stay the course" mantra on Demoncrats ???
Amazing simply amazing.....
the physics prize goes to dixie for his quantum leap in stupidity.

Nope, not what I said.

Bush certainly coined the phrase, I just finished posting that. It takes a quantum leap to turn around and try to claim I said something to the complete opposite.
As Bush himself has said, "stay the course" makes it sound as if you just arrogantly keep doing what isn't working, and that is not his position on Iraq.

That's a bit of a fib isn't it Dixie. Bush and his regime have repeated the mantra that we must stay the course until we have democracy and peace in Iraq.

Face facts, Dixie. Iraq was a mistake from the start and has been fumbled miserably. It hasn't helped our fight against Islamic extremism and has merely exasperated the problem.
it was in context of countering the less desirable option of "panic and do something else!"

It would appear that is what is coming down the Bush pike in the near future :)
I believe that is what this thread is all about dix.
US, again, you are desperately trying to turn the argument into something you can easily refute, and it's not that simple. "Stay the course" has never meant, continue to do the same thing regardless of the outcome! It was used in comparisson to the alternative, which was to panic, leave and quit. In that context, "stay the course" is a more prudent position.
Spin all you want dixie :) I don't care. It is fun to watch the panic as the residents of the house of cards come running out.
Ahh ephiphany, I finally realize what you are getting at Dixie. It means stay on whatever course Bush wants us on. wheter it be getting rid of WMD's and Mushroom clouds, unseating a bad leader of a country, fighting terrorists over there vs in Lexington KY, promoting purple finger democracy, or some other brand of imperialistic puppet govt. yes I DO understand what you are about on this thread now. Thanks so much for helping me to see the light ;)
It means stay on whatever course Bush wants us on.

No, actually, it means, stay on the course that results in our victory, because if we leave with the perception of having been defeated, the terrorists are coming after us.
It means stay on whatever course Bush wants us on.

No, actually, it means, stay on the course that results in our victory, because if we leave with the perception of having been defeated, the terrorists are coming after us.

It's the same thing to you Dix :rolleyes:

Hmm the terrorists were coming after us before we invaded, so whatsa diff ?
Ohh, I see Bush had made so many more of them with his blunders...hmmm
Yes, well Bush made the mess and he ahd better figure out a better path for us.
"Stay the course" is a term the Dems picked up on way back, and have continued to pound Bush over the head with. When he used the phrase, it was in context of countering the less desirable option of "panic and do something else!"

As Bush himself has said, "stay the course" makes it sound as if you just arrogantly keep doing what isn't working, and that is not his position on Iraq.

John Stewart already debunked this line of BS by showing Bush saying, "stay the course" on about ten different occasions. You should be able to easily disprove this by going to the Daily Show web site and rerunning the show last week when he did this and then counting exactly how many times Bush said it. If it wasn't ten it was more than five.

Blaming this on the Democrats takes real chutzpah. In fact it was only three weeks ago that Ken Mehlman began the new Bush line "adapt to win." And it was during that appearance on Meet The Press that Mehlman himself started blaming the Democrats for creating the saying which prompted eventually Stewart's rejoinder. I love it when people who should know better choose instead to remain willfully ignorant and spread that ignorance all over like dirty diapers.
Yes, well Bush made the mess and he ahd better figure out a better path for us.

Well, Bush is about to have what is left of his majority in congress taken away from him, so he will be even less able to implement his strategies. My suggestion is, you need to be figuring out how the Democrats are going to win in Iraq, because it looks like they will have to be the ones to do it.

As for your casual "whatsa diff" ...When the streets of America run red with the blood of the Infidel, as they have promised, check back with me and tell me what you see as the difference.
John Stewart already debunked this line of BS by showing Bush saying, "stay the course" on about ten different occasions.

Excuse me, but where did I say that Bush didn't say this?

My point is, Democrat intentionally misconstrued what he said, even though he said it at least 10 times, according to John Stewart and you.
Yes, well Bush made the mess and he ahd better figure out a better path for us.

Well, Bush is about to have what is left of his majority in congress taken away from him, so he will be even less able to implement his strategies. My suggestion is, you need to be figuring out how the Democrats are going to win in Iraq, because it looks like they will have to be the ones to do it.

As for your casual "whatsa diff" ...When the streets of America run red with the blood of the Infidel, as they have promised, check back with me and tell me what you see as the difference.

I knew all along that the dems would have to clean up bush's mess, glad you agree ;)