In a timely tribute to a woman they are calling a fearless American hero, the White House released a statement Monday recognizing and honoring the woman who called then-presidential candidate Barack Obama an Arab during a town hall event in 2008. “It is with great reverence that we celebrate the courage, life, and work of the woman who told John McCain at a 2008 campaign rally that she couldn’t trust Barack Obama because he was an Arab,” the statement read in part. “Despite the fact that it would have been far easier for her to hold her tongue and remain silent, she bravely stood up for her country and called Obama out for being a foreigner, and in doing so, she truly earned the title of ‘maverick.’ A ruthless defender of patriotism who refused to cower during her shining moment on the national stage, she courageously focused national attention on Obama’s Muslim pedigree. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your service, ma’am.” The statement concluded by saying that her brave and inspiring comments would live on in this country for generations to come.