White House says economic surge robust


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White House says economic surge robust

Apr 8, 2007 9:38 PM (14 hrs ago)
by Bill Sammon, The Examiner

"This is a much stronger expansion in a lot of ways," White House spokesman Tony Fratto told The Examiner. "It's much deeper and more measured."


"Deeper and more measured" Now that is a vague advertising term that really sounds impressive but means nothing :D Kinda representative of the Bush presidency.
White House says economic surge robust

Apr 8, 2007 9:38 PM (14 hrs ago)
by Bill Sammon, The Examiner

"This is a much stronger expansion in a lot of ways," White House spokesman Tony Fratto told The Examiner. "It's much deeper and more measured."


"Deeper and more measured" Now that is a vague advertising term that really sounds impressive but means nothing :D Kinda representative of the Bush presidency.

You know that Spinner is going to smell this post, and come running, right? :)
And here I am, and much to both your dismay's I dissagree with the Bush advisors. Who knew both sides but out bs.
It's a good expansion and great for those of us at the top. My gut feel is the Clinton years were better for the joe in the middle.
Min wage not raised but congress raised there's $34,000 just about what little Joe makes WTF?
I am not some right wing radical like you two act.
That said it is good, and very good for me.
You have both heard me say I'll gladly take 8 more years of Clintonomics, especially with us being out of Iraqi combat.

Buy oil!!!!
go back and show my contradiction.
Grasshopper if you listen to the master you could be doing much better financially.
go back and show my contradiction.
Grasshopper if you listen to the master you could be doing much better financially.

If I was doing any better I would worry about going to jail :)

Keep getting offers on my investment property I bought last year, up to 1/2 mill now, and the exit is not even built yet, construction just barely beginning :)